New Operator Driving Procedures
1. Read and understand the owner's manual and all warning and
instruction labels before operating this vehicle.
2. Visit the Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association web site
(rohva.org) and take the free on-line training course. Hands-on
training is also available through ROHVA.
3. Perform the pre-ride inspection. See page 48.
4. Do not carry a passenger until you have at least two hours of driving
experience with this vehicle.
5. Do not carry cargo during this period.
6. Select an open area that allows room to familiarize yourself with
vehicle operation and handling.
7. The driver and all passengers must wear helmet, eye protection,
gloves, long-sleeve shirt, long pants, over-the-ankle boots and seat
belt at all times.
8. Sit in the driver's seat and fasten the seat belt.
9. Make sure all passengers secure their seat belts.
10. Make sure all cab nets are properly secured.
11. Place the transmission in PARK.
12. Start the engine.