POK SAS - 18 Cours Antoine Lavoisier - 10400 Nogent-sur-Seine - FRANCE
Phone: +33 (0)3 37 49 53 000 - Email: [email protected] - Web: www.pok-fire.com
MOP_LMM_02329_EN_A - 28/05/2021 - Cop
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S - Illustr
ations are only informativ
- Monitor 2000 lpm with swivel inlet 2.5” NST-NH
• Handling / Transport / Storage
General Information
When unpacking the equipment after transport, check that there is no mechanical damage and/or loose
parts in the interior of the package. In case of damage, the carrier must be informed immediately. In this
case, do not put the equipment into use.
Delivery Information
POK equipment is delivered in a double-walled cardboard box. The package is securely closed with adhesive
tape. A delivery note is included with the equipment.
Shipment of Equipment
In case of reshipping the equipment, or transferring the shipment to other sites, the shipping process above
should be followed.
Storage of Equipment
When storing the device, it is recommended to keep it in its original packaging to protect from humidity,
dust and kept at a temperature between -20° and + 70°C.