(18) Signal code (S-CODE) - MENU No.17
Selects 1 of 15 DTMF codes. The DTMF codes are programmed with software and are up to 5 digits each.
(19) SCAN Resume Mode (SC-REV) - MENU No.18
Thanks to this function, P52UV can SCAN in frequency or channel mode. You can choose amongst three options:
TO: Time-operated SCAN
Whenever a signal is detected, the radio will suspend the SCAN for 5 seconds, and then will continue to SCAN
even if the signal is still present.
CO: Carrier-operated SCAN
Whenever a signal is detected, the radio will stop scanning. It will resume to SCAN once the signal will disappear.
SE: Search SCAN
The radio will stop scanning once a signal is detected.
(20) PTT-ID (PTT-ID) - MENU No.19
With this function you can decide when sending the ANI-ID code in tx mode.
You can choose amongst 4 possibilities.
press PTT to turn it off
the code is sent when you press the PTT
the code is sent when the PTT is released
the code is sent when you press and release the PTT
Note: select ‘OFF’ when using in case of affecting the radio.
(21) PTT ID delay (PTT-LT) - MENU No.20
In this MENU you can set the delay time (0-30ms) sending the PTT-ID.
Note: select ‘0’ in normal using.
(22) Channel A Display Mode (MDF-A) - MENU No.21
This function is used to set the display mode of channel A.
Display modes:
Fre channel No.
Channel number
Channel name
Note: Channel name mode must be set by the programming software. Up to three numbers or characters can
be edited.
(23) Channel B Display Mode (MDF-B) - MENU No.22
This function is used to set the display mode of channel B.
Display modes:
Fre channel No.
Channel number
Channel name
Note: Channel name mode must be set by the programming software. Up to three numbers or characters can
be edited.