Delete All Users:
Step 1:
Enter [*] and [#] system password
Step 2:
Press [9]. (The indicator turns green and makes a long beep.)
Step 3:
Press [9]. (The indicator turns green and makes a long beep.)
Step 4:
Deleting All Users is successful. (The indicator turns green
and makes a long beep.)
Step 5:
Exit. (The device automatically exits the process when the
operation is completed.)
Delete Users:
Step 1:
Enter [*] and [#] system password
Step 2:
Press [2]. (The indicator turns green and makes a long beep.)
Step 3:
Enter a user ID, press the fingerprint or swipe the card, and
Step 4:
Determine whether the user is authentic
Step 5:
The user is deleted (The indicator turns green and makes a
long beep).
Step 6:
Exit. ( Press [*] or do not operate the device within 20
Add Password to the registered user:
Step 1:
Enter [*] and [#] system password
Step 2:
Press [3].
Step 3:
Enter a registered user ID and [#]
Enter six digits of password. (
If the password less of six digits
you must to enter the password and [#])
Step 5:
Enter the password again
Step 6:
Exit. (Press [*] to exit.)
Acces by Password:
Enter a registered user ID + [#] + (password) +