4.9.4 Memory
This option doubles the memory in the 2SX-Series Scanner, for twice the record-
ing time. This doubling occurs after any extra memory is added by the Power
and Harmonics options.
4.9.5 Battery Ride-Through
The Battery option lets the 2SX-Series Scanner keep recording through an out-
age. An internal battery powers the 2SX-Series Scanner for about 30
minutes. The 2SX-Series Scanner shuts down automatically when the battery
runs down. The battery is automatically charged when power returns, and is
trickle charged constantly while the 2SX-Series Scanner is line-powered so that
it will always be charged.
4.9.6 2SX-Series Scanner Model Numbering
The 2SX-Series Scanner model number indicates which options have been in-
stalled. The base model number is “VS-2SX”, which describes a voltage-only
unit. The addition of current creates an “iVS-2SX”. Adding power adds the
“P” suffix, giving an “iVS-2SP”. Adding Harmonics creates an “iVS-2SX/ PH”.
Memory adds an “M”, and the Battery option adds a “B” to the model. Thus, a fully
loaded 2SX-Series Scanner would be an “iVS-2SX/PHMB”. Since the power option
requires current, and the harmonics option requires power, there is no“VS-2X/SP”
or “iVS-2X/SH”.
5 What the 2SX-Series Scanner Records
5.1 Introduction
The job of any power monitor is to record all interesting data, and leave
unrecorded the vast majority of boring, unremarkable data. The tricky part
for a monitor is deciding which events are important. This is a problem of data
reduction. A recorder that captured every 60 Hz waveform during a week’s
recording would never miss an event, but would present the user with millions
of useless cycles. Conversely, a recorder whose thresholds are set incorrectly
may not record anything. Staying somewhere between these two extremes
involves a balance of thresholds, settings, and record types. The monitor will
see an enormous amount of data on its voltage and current inputs– the 2SX-Series
Scanner sees over 1 billion samples per day! Ideally, all this data is reduced