Installation & Operation Manual TCC70XS
Page 31 Verification and Troubleshooting with Status Indicators and Displays
TCC70XS provides feedback to you via various status indicators and displays. This helps you
to verify proper operation as well as to find faults.
The 8-digit LED display: You can program the display to see either what time code currently is
generated or read.
The 3G
Video Module: Video and Time Code
Display: Configuration of the 8-Digit LED Display
Status segments at the OLED display: Four programmable segments are available. Each
segment can give a status feedback by lighting up/flashing/being off. The most
important feedbacks refer to the synchronization of the time code generator and to the
signals of the real
time reference.
Programmable function keys with lamps: Four programmable keys are available; this includes
a function of the integrated lamp as well. The lamps for example indicate whether a
function currently is active or not.
Programmable GPIO: Four programmable GPIOs and one GPO are available. They can be
used to control external lamps or alarms. Basically, the same functions can be assigned
as it is provided for the keys.
Chapter for all these elements:
The 3G
Video Module: Video and Time Code
Keys: Keys and Lamps, Status and GPIOs
The status monitor of the 3G
Video module:
The 3G
Video module provides a status monitor, which can be accessed via browser as
well as via USB. The following chapters describe how to open the status monitor:
Software Tools for TCC70XS
The Status Monitor of the 3G
Video Module
Status Monitor by Ethernet
Status Monitor by USB
These are the most important features of the status monitor:
Feedback of the most important parameters of the current set
State of the frequency and phase synchronization, including error counters.
Displaying the current time code values of the generator.
Displaying the current time code values of the reader, including error counters.
State of the real
time reference: set
up, received values, status.
State of the internal real
time clock: current time & date of the local time zone
and internal UTC, state of synchronization.
You will find a detailed description at chapter:
The 3G
Video Module: Video and Time Code
The Status Monitor