4 Commissioning
Connect the Plugreen Solar micro-inverter to the electrical utility grid only after receiving prior
approval from the utility company.
Only qualified personnel must connect the Plugreen Solar micro-inverters to the Utility grid
Ensure that all AC and DC wiring is correct and none of them are damaged
Ensure that all junction boxes are closed properly
Procedure for Commissioning the Plugreen Solar micro-inverter PV system:
Switch on the main circuit breaker on each Plugreen solar micro-inverter branches.
Switch on the main utility-grid AC circuit breaker. The system will start producing power after 3
minutes of System configuration them.
: Since Plugreen solar micro-inverters are powered by PV panels, make sure that sufficient
sun light is available during this process.
The Plugreen solar micro-inverters will start to send performance data over Power Line (PLC)
to the Communication Gateway unit. The time required for all the solar micro-inverters in the
system to report to the Communication Gateway unit will vary with the number of solar micro-
inverters in the system. The first units should be detected within 10 minutes but the entire
system could take hours to detect. Please refer to the Communication Gateway unit Installation
and Operation Manual.
Copyright Plugreen Corporation. 2011 1-00001 REV 1