Section 1. Getting Started
ConvertX Digital Video Converter Installation and Users Manual
What You Can Do with the ConvertX
Uncompressed full-motion video with sound takes as much as one
megabyte of storage space per second of video. But with your ConvertX,
you can compress that video so that an entire movie fits onto a DVD—
or even a CD!
The ConvertX Digital Video Converter and the bundled InterVideo®
WinDVD Creator
software let you:
Capture: Capture video and sound from analog or digital sources
Edit: Modify that video to get just what you want
Create: Author compelling video projects, complete with titles,
menus, sounds, and music
Share: Actually make movies and burn them onto recordable DVD
and CDs.
In addition, the bundled WinDVD software lets you view your videos
and play video files.
The ConvertX lets you quickly and easily convert analog images on
videotapes into digital video on CDs or DVDs. You can also create new
videos for your CD or DVD player or computer, or Webcasts for the
Your ConvertX offers MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 formats, with
compression that allows users to store up to 100 minutes of digital video
on a CD, or up to 10 hours on a DVD. The bundled WinDVD Creator™
software guides you through each step of capturing and editing video,
adding effects, and burning the finished product. You get everything you
need for quality digital production—just what you’d expect from