March 2020
D E S I G N E D A N D M A D E I N S W E D E N S I N C E 1 9 6 4
D E S I G N E D A N D M A D E I N S W E D E N S I N C E 1 9 6 4
The motors default direction of travel can be altered by using the Dir function. This will change what direction the motor
moves in relation to the control knob.
Pressing the DIR button on the receiver will cause the motor to move to the corresponding opposite position dictated by
the position of the control knob and then be moving in the opposite direction compared to the default setting.
On the receiver the current selection is marked by either a solid green or red DIR button LED.
Updating Software
Go to
to download the Ymer software update program with full instructions on how
to update software on the Ymer follow focus system.