Account Codes
To protect from IDD abuse, Account Code can be setup for each user, system will prompt for account code when
user tries to dial IDD.
Create Account Code
Press “Add Account Code” link located at top part of the user list
Input User’s information and Account Code and click “Submit” buttoon.
: The Department name for the user (This field is Optional)
Dept. Code
: Department Code for the user (This field is Optional)
Account Name
: Select the appropriate user from the list, if user is not within the list, please add a
user in “VOIP Users” module
Account Code
: Account Code for the user, it should be unqiue within the whole system
Edit Account Code
Press “Edit” link for appropriate User
Change account information and click “Submit” button
** After Account Code is created, please add “Prompt for Account Code” action in Dial Plan for any IDD related
dial rule