Operation Instructions | System Startup
Cooling Pad | Installation and Operation Guide Rev B | Doc P/N: 080205039E
4.1 System Startup
When starting up the system after installation or performing maintenance,
first implement the steps in sections
and above. Then do the following:
1. Open the water supply and let the reservoir channel fill until
the water reaches the float.
2. If necessary, adjust the float until the water level reaches 3/4 of the
reservoir channel height (see
Adjusting Water Level).
3. Start the pump manually and verify that the water level is
4. Verify that water spreads over all cooling pads within 30-40 seconds.
5. Verify that water is not leaking from any connections in the system.
6. Verify that there is no flooding of water in the reservoir channel.
7. If necessary, adjust the bypass valve.
8. Verify that the housing is sealed.
9. Verify there are no obstructions (i.e., open curtain, tunnel door etc.)
reducing the air flow from the outside through the cooling pads.
10. Start the exhaust fans.
11. Verify that there is a temperature difference between the inside and
outside of the house.
12. During operation, repeat the following checks:
a. Verify stable water level in the reservoir channel.
b. Verify that the water level doesn't drop below 1/2 the height of
the reservoir channel.
c. Adjust the bypass valve and recheck its effect on the
temperature difference.
12. Shut off the system.
Adjust the pump duty cycle for optimized
performance of the system (temperature
reduction vs. reservoir water filling)
When the pump empties the water in the
reservoir channel, adjust the bypass valve to
increase the amount of water that returns to
the reservoir channel