Troubleshooting | Cooling Pad Replacement
Cooling Pad | Installation and Operation Guide Rev B | Doc P/N: 080205039E
6. Troubleshooting
This chapter reviews issues that may appear during operation of the system and suggests steps to resolve these issues:
Temperature in the housing is not decreasing
Verify that the pads are all wet
Verify that the exhaust fans are working properly
Verify that the house is sealed (i.e., doors and other openings are closed)
Verify that the curtain covering the cooling pads is raised
Verify that the cooling pads are not blocked up by dirt
Cooling pads are not becoming wet
Verify proper level of water in the reservoir channel
Verify that the pump is operating correctly
Verify the pump was primed and that there is no air in the pipes
Verify that the two valves near the water filter are in the proper position
Verify that that bypass valve is in the proper position
Verify that the filter is not clogged
Verify that the holes in the perforated pipe are not clogged and that water reaches the entire length of
the pipe