fader sets the amount of morphing, being 0 no morphing (sound of A) and 127
100% morphed (sound of B).
: When used in Edit All the Morph function can be a creative way to create new
banks, as all the slots will be morphed between them.
6.8 Copy / Paste
The COPY function is used to copy and paste a Sound of a Slot to another Slot. It can also
be used to copy a whole Bank.
When entering the function the current Slot will be copied and the destination for paste must
be selected. The Slot can be copied to a Slot of another Bank selecting a Bank with the
To copy an entire Bank the bank mode must be entered before doing the Copy Function.
6.9 Snapshot
The SNAPSHOT function works like the COPY one, but instead of copying the Sound it will
sum the parameter the random vari the changes from the CV the
morphing stage and copy it to a new Slot in the form of the synth parameter values with no
. It is a way to copy what the user is listening to during the current
The random assignments on the
function will remain intact. This way the user can
keep a desired random configuration. If the configuration is not desired, it is possible to clear
it by pr hold the encoder in the
6.10 File System
The file system lets the user store and recall individual Sounds, Banks, or entire Projects (for
an explanation of each term go to
). All the files are stored on an SD card.