Upload TR069 and Provision
User can upload cert files for TR069 and Provision as follows:
Step 1. Choose one File Type from
Step 2. Press
to browser file.
Step 3. Press
to start upgrading.
Next is the webpage which all files have well uploaded.
Provision allow a device automatically resync to a specific configuration file on a TFTP server or a web
server which use HTTP or HTTPS.
1) Provisioning allow VIP-361PE auto-upgrading or auto-configuring
2) VIP-361PE supports 3 ways to provision: TFTP, HTTP and HTTPS.
Before testing or using TFTP, user should have tftp server and upgrading file and configuring file.
Before testing or using HTTP, user should have http server and upgrading file and configuring file.
Before testing or using HTTPS, user should have https server and upgrading
file and configuring file and CA Certificate file(should same as https server’s)
and Client Certificate file and Private key file
3) User can uploading CA Certificate file and Client Certificate file and Private Key file in Equipment
Manage/Cert Manage page.