User’s Manual of IGS-10020MT
4.4.3 Port Thermal Protection
This page allows the user to inspect and configure the current setting for controlling thermal protection. Thermal protection is
used to protect the chip from getting overheated. When the temperature exceeds the configured thermal protection temperature,
ports will be turned off in order to decrease the power consumption. It is possible to arrange the ports with different priorities.
Each priority can be given a temperature at which the corresponding ports shall be turned off.
The Port Thermal Protection screen in
Figure 4-4-3
Figure 4-4-3:
Port Thermal Protection Page Screenshot
The page includes the following fields:
Temperature settings
for priority groups
The temperature at which the ports with the corresponding priority will be turned
off. Temperatures between 0 and 255 C are supported.
Port priorities
The priority the port belongs to. 4 priorities are supported
: Click to save changes.
: Click to undo any changes made locally and revert to previously saved values.