5 Mega-pixel Outdoor IR PoE IP Camera
User’s Manual of ICA-3550V
This function increases the sensitivity of camera to get brighter
image at night. The smaller the value you select, the slower the
shutter speed becomes so that the image will get brighter, and
moving subjects might be blurred.
(5) D-WDR
Digital wide dynamic range. This function enables the camera
to reduce the contrast in the view to avoid the dark zones
resulting from over and under exposure.
(6)Video Orientation
Flip or mirror the image as your requirement.
(7) Day & Night
The camera can detect the light level of environment. If you
choose "Light Sensor Mode", the image will be turned to black
and white at night in order to keep clear. To set light sensor
mode, appoint a lux standard of switching D/N here. Current lux
value is provided for reference. Under "Times Mode" the switch
time of Color / Black and white is according to the given time.
You can also control it by choosing "Color" or "B/W"
(8) White Balance
Enhance red / blue color in the image.
(9) Denoise
This function is able to filter the noise and blur from the image
and show a clearer view. "3D" and "2D" are two different
denoising approaches.
3D denoise analyzes successive pictures to detect the noise
places while 2D denoise analyzes only single picture.
5.3.2 Video Setting
User may select 2 streaming outputs simultaneously:
Streaming 1 Setting
Basic mode and Advanced mode.
Streaming 2 Setting
Basic mode, Advanced mode, and 3GPP mode Video System:
click the drop down list to select the system type “
” and TV Output
(analog signal). User can select show focus bar on left corner of screen.