To change how the cursor works, select Option. If your cursor uses the Click feature, the Drag & Drop feature will be
available. If your cursor uses the Drag & Drop feature, the click feature will be available. Press the left soft key to
select the new cursor feature, or select Return to return to the website.
Select Exit to return to the Web Site screen.
You have these choices: Edit (available when you have at least one web site saved), Add, and Delete (available
when you have at least one web site saved). The Edit and Add options configure the same settings. The Edit option
is used for changing existing web site entries, while the Add option is used for saving new web site entries. Select
Return to return to the previous menu.
Edit. Select Edit to edit a web site’s information: Name, URL (web address), and Port Number. Scroll through
these choices, and select Edit to change a setting.
Name. To change the Name, select Edit. Enter the new Name in the new window. Press the center selection key
to save the new information, or select Exit to return to the previous menu.
URL. To change the URL, select Edit. Enter the new URL in the new window. Press the center selection key to
save the new information, or select Exit to return to the previous menu.
Port Number. To change the Port Number, select Edit. Enter the new Port Number in the new window. Press the
center selection key to save the new information, or select Exit to return to the previous menu. (If you are not
sure how to change this setting, keep the default, 80.)
Select Return to return to the Web Site screen.
Figure 4-92: Web Site
Figure 4-93: Edit Web
Chapter 4: Configuring the Wi-Fi Phone