LoRa Node Controller
LN501 and LN1152
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Device Address
DevAddr for ABP mode, default is the 5th to 12th digits of SN.
Network Session
Nwkskey for ABP mode, default is
Session Key
Appskey for ABP mode, default is
Spread Factor
If ADR is disabled, the device will send data via this spread
Confirmed Mode
If the device does not receive ACK packet from network server, it
will resend data 3 times at most.
Rejoin Mode
Reporting interval ≤ 30 mins: the device will send specific
mounts of LoRaMAC packets to check connection status
every 30 mins; If no reply after specific packets, the device
will re-join.
Reporting interval > 30 mins: the device will send specific
mounts of LoRaMAC packets every to check connection
status every reporting interval; If no reply after specific
packets, the device will re-join.
Note: Only OTAA mode supports rejoin mode.
ADR Mode
Allow network server to adjust datarate of the device.
Tx Power
Tx power of the device.
LoRaWAN Frequency Settings:
Go to “
” of ToolBox software to select supported frequency and select channels
to send uplinks. Make sure the channels match the LoRaWAN gateway.