Once you have the IP address go to a web browser and type the IP address into the address bar. When prompted for
login the default username and password are as follows.
Once you are logged in the Planet eStream team recommend changing this password. You can change the password by
going to System > Manage > Change Password. You can also shut down or reboot the device from the web interface by
going to System > Manage > Restart.
Next if you go to System > Network this will give you a status of your network connection. You can change the network
setup to be either DHCP or a static IP address by clicking the “Update” link on the left hand side. If you select Static you
can enter your network details as required.
Please note if you change the IP address the device will reboot and you will need to navigate to the new IP address to
access the web interface again.
The next step would be to setup your tuners, the tuners will listen on frequencies for any broadcasting channels. To
setup the tuners click the “Tuner” tab at the top. This will show you a drop down list of all the tuners available to you, and
the status of each tuner when selected.
Username –
Password –