Pivotel Thuraya SatSleeve Скачать руководство пользователя страница 2


Pivotel provides a voicemail service so you need never miss a call. The 

voicemail number is +61424212121. You can call this number from your phone 

to setup your voicemail and then to retrieve your voicemail messages. To save 

this number in your phone for easy access, you can manually enter it by 

selecting Menu > Settings > Call > Voice mail > Enter ‘+61424212121’ > OK. 

You could also find the voicemail number in the SIM contact, go to Menu > 

Contacts > Search > Voicemail.

SMS Text Messages

You can send SMS text messages from your phone to standard mobile 

numbers in Australia and overseas. To send a text message, select Menu > 

Messages > New message > Enter the text you want to appear in the text 

message > Options > Send > Enter the recipient’s mobile number > Send.  

Always enter the mobile number in the international format, for example an 

Australian mobile number in the 614XXXXXXXX, a New Zealand mobile 

would be entered in the 642XXXXXXX, and a US mobile number in the 


SMS Service Centre Number

The correct SMS service centre number must be stored in your phone in order to 

send SMS text messages successfully. This number is stored in your Pivotel SIM 

and will normally transfer to the phone automatically when the SIM is installed. 

If you are unable to send SMS text messages please check the SMS service 

centre number. Select Menu > Messages > Settings > Service center > The 

first and highlighted number displayed must be ‘+61415011740’. If the correct 

number is not displayed you can enter the number by pressing Edit > Clear 

until all is deleted > Enter ‘+61415011740’ > Select Save. If the correct number 

is displayed and you are still unable to send SMS text messages please call 

Pivotel Customer Care on 1300 882 448.

SMS To Email

Pivotel Thuraya users can send an SMS message to an email recipient. Firstly, 

change the SMS format from ‘SMS’ to ‘SMS to email’ by selecting Menu > 

Messages > Settings > Format > Select ‘SMS to email’ > OK. Remember you 

will need to change the SMS format back to SMS before you can send a SMS.

To send SMS to email, select Menu > Messages > New Message > Enter the 

text you want to appear in the email > Options > Send > Enter the recipient’s 

email address > OK > Edit the Email center to be ‘+2’ if this is the first time you’ve 

sent SMS to email (this setting will remain for subsequent SMS to email) > Send. 

Geo Reporting Settings 

The XT-LITE is equipped with in-built GPS. You can configure to send an SMS 

with a pre-defined message and GPS coordinates to a maximum of four 

message recipients, when you activate Geo reporting by pressing and holding 

the soft key      .

To configure Geo Reporting, select Menu > Navigation > Geo reporting > 

1. Enter the message recipient(s) by selecting Options > Add Recipient > Input

    the mobile number of your SMS recipient or select from Contacts > OK

2. Choose the message interval by selecting Options > Message Intervals >

    Choose frequency of outgoing messages (every 3 minutes to every 2 hours) > OK

    If you set up messaging at a predetermined interval you will be charged for each

    message according to your plan.

3. Enable SOS messaging by selecting Options > SOS message > On > OK

4. Enter the SOS message by selecting Options > Set up SOS message >

    Enter the message up to 100 characters > OK

To deactivate Geo Reporting while in use, short press the soft key      .

The Following Applies To The Thuraya XT-LITE Only

Thuraya XT-LITE offers satellite voice and SMS services at an 

affordable price. XT-LITE does not support satellite data.

Pivotel makes your Thuraya satellite phone as easy to 
use as a mobile phone with standard Australian mobile 
numbers removing the need for complex dialling codes. 
This guide will help you quickly and easily start using 
your Pivotel Thuraya service. Before using your phone, 
please refer to the user manual provided to ensure the 
SIM is installed, the battery is charged and the phone is 
outside with the antenna extended so it has a clear view 
of the sky.

National Calls & Mobile Calls

To make a standard national call anywhere within the Australian mainland, 

simply enter the area code and number – for example to call a fixed line 

number in Queensland simply dial 07 XXXX XXXX and to dial a standard 

national mobile number, including a call to another Pivotel Satellite number, 

simply dial 04XX XXX XXX.

You can also dial 13, 1300 and 1800 numbers just as they are advertised 

without any special codes to enter.

If you are offshore or overseas, dial the number in the  <country code> 

<area code> <phone number>. For example to call a fixed line number in 

Queensland dial +617 XXXX XXXX and to dial a standard national mobile 

number, including a call to another Pivotel Satellite number, dial +614XX XXX 


International Calls

To make an international call simply enter the number in the <country 

code> <area code> <phone number>. Remember, if the area code has a 

leading 0 then you must omit that when you enter the number – for example 

to call the number 09 XXX XXXX in Auckland, New Zealand dial +649 XXX  

XXXX or to call the number 415 XXX XXXX in California, USA dial 


Storing Numbers

We recommend you store the contact numbers in your phone in the 

international dialling format, so that you don’t experience difficulties when you 

use your phone outside Australia or use your SIM in another phone.

For example, to save a fixed line number 07 XXXX XXX in Queensland you 

should store the number in the 617 XXXX XXXX or to save a mobile 

number 04XX XXX XXX you should store the number in the 614XX XXX 


That way you will be able to dial the number successfully wherever you are 

calling from.

Using Your Pivotel Thuraya Service Outside Australia

If you are using your Pivotel Thuraya service outside Australia, check and 

ensure that you are within the Thuraya coverage areas -


To dial a number local to the country you are in, you must dial the number in 

International format. For example if you are in Indonesia and you want to dial 

the number 0856 XXXX XXX in Indonesia you must dial +62856 XXXX XXX.

The Following Applies To ALL Thuraya Handsets

This includes the Thuraya XT-LITE, Thuraya Sa, Thuraya 

SatSleeve Hotspot and Thuraya XT-PRO DUAL.
