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Item 58775
Bleeding Air
Bleeding Air from Pump Piston
1. Place Pump on a flat surface so that
Fill Screw is facing upward.
2. Open the Relief Valve.
3. Pump the Handle 10 to 15 times to
eliminate air in the Piston.
4. Close the Relief Valve.
5. If air remains in the Piston, repeat above.
Bleeding Air from Pump Reservoir
1. Place Pump on a flat surface so that
Fill Screw is facing upward.
2. Make sure the Relief Valve is closed.
3. Lift Handle to its highest position.
4. Loosen the Fill Screw. Air will
bleed out after loosening.
5. Tighten the Fill Screw.
6. Open the Relief Valve.
7. Move Handle to its lowest position.
8. Close the Relief Valve.
9. If air remains in the Reservoir, repeat above.
Bleeding Air from Ram
1. Place Pump on a flat surface so that
Fill Screw is facing upward.
2. Connect the Pump to the Ram.
3. Pump the Handle until the Ram is
extended out by at least 50 percent.
4. Position Ram below both Pump and Hose. Keep
Hose pointed downward across its whole length.
5. Position Ram so that the Piston Rod faces downward.
6. Open Relief Valve on the Pump
and fully retract the Ram.
7. If air remains in the Ram, repeat above.