Techno Tidbits and Problem-solving
In the RDS system, FM broadcast stations transmit
information such as station name and program type
in addition to standard audio signals. This unit
receives RT, PS, and PTY, and provides the EON
RT (Radio Text) data
A text message using a maximum of 64
PS (Program Service Name) data
This refers to the broadcast station name.
PTY (Program Type) data
This refers to the type of program being broadcast
by a particular station at a given time.
EON (Enhanced Other Network
Function that allows you to set the receiver to switch
to a frequency automatically when a program
featuring traffic information or news is being
broadcast. It cannot be used in areas that EON
information is not transmitted and when FM
broadcast stations do not transmit PTY data.
When the broadcast ends, it returns to the original
TA (Traffic-Announcement identification)
This is an on/off switching signal to indicate
whether or not traffic information is on the air.
PTY ALARM function
Function which switches to an urgent news
broadcast of an FM station when it is broadcast (PTY
data alarm signal).
During reception of this signal, TAPE 2 MONITOR
and MUTING will automatically be turned off and the
display mode will be set to PTY.
EON control
When EON is turned on and a function other than
the tuner is set, the function will switch to the FM
station automatically when Traffic Information or
News begins.
When the program ends, the original function will be
(Even if EON is turned on, this function will not
operate when you switch to an AM broadcast.)
RDS (Radio Data System)
What is RDS (Radio Data System)
PI (Program Identification)
This information consists of a code enabling the
tuner to distinguish between countries or areas in
which the same program is transmitted, and the
identification of the program itself. The code is not
intended for direct display and is assigned to each
individual radio program to enable it to be
distinguished from all other programs.
PI code registration and deletion
To use the EON function, receivable RDS stations
must be programmed in the tuner.
When the PI code is programmed and the same
program (PI code) is preset using a different
frequency, this function will only operate the most
recently set station regardless of the reception
When presetting new frequencies due to
relocation to another area, etc., it is necessary to
delete registered PI codes.
To erase PI codes, perform the following
1. Press the EON MODE button for two seconds
or more.
“ERASE PI” will be displayed.
2. Within 5 seconds, press MEMORY.