Operating Manual PCOM sec br2
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User interface
Configuration, diagnostics, monitoring and maintenance of the SecurityBridge are made
with the help of a web-based user interface. The user interface contains all the important in-
formation about the SecurityBridge and the protected system.
Only users can access the user interface who have the relevant authorisations (see
To handle and configure the SecurityBridge, please read the online help of the user inter-
Please note the following when calling up the online help:
The online help is displayed in a separate window. To display the online help, make sure to
activate the setting in your browser that opens a new window when opening new web sites.
System requirements:
The user interface is called up via a standard browser.
The following web browsers will always be supported:
Internet Explorer (IE), from Version 9
Microsoft Edge
Mozilla Firefox from Version 23.7.0
Google Chrome from Version 27
Safari from Version 5.1
Establish connection to SecurityBridge
The following section describes the typical procedure to create a connection to the Secur-
ityBridge and to open the user interface.
Establish Ethernet connection
Connect the configuration PC directly to the Ethernet interface X1 of the Security-
Bridge PCOM sec br2. Alternatively you can use a switch to which only the config-
uration PC and the SecurityBridge are connected.
This way, you avoid that an attack can occur during commissioning.
Adjust IP address of the configuration PC
To access the SecurityBridge the IP address of the PC has to be in the same subnet as
the IP address of the SecurityBridge.
Module's default settings:
IP address
Network mask
Change the IP address in the network settings of your configuration PC.