Direct Reading CTCSS Tone Encoder/Decoder for the Yaesu
FT-726 Transceiver
The PIEXX FT-726T is a version of our ToneLCD board
specifically manufactured for use in the Yaesu FT-726 transceiver.
The FT-726T mounts in place of the original scan board in the top
cover of the FT-726 and replaces the functionality of that board as
well as adding CTCSS tone encoder and decoder functions.
Encoder / Decoder for both transmit encode and receive tone
squelch decode operation.
Find mode detects CTCSS tone that the receiver hears for
automatic operation.
Mounts in place of the original FT-726 scan switch board.
Low power consumption
Easy installation
Easy to Operate
Fully configurable Power Up State.