Rev.0.3 08/04/2022
19 - 25
Document classified as: 2 - Company Confidential
Figure 9
Metrological unlock Button
Metrological sealing
Sealing takes place by affixing two different types of seals: type A seals (adhesives), type B seals (lead).
Type A seals protect:
The programming button, which is pressed to reprogram some parameters of metrological
significance (sealing A-1, figure 10)
Motherboard and components (sealing A-2, figure 10)
Clamps (sealing A-3 e A-4, figure 10)
Figure 10: Type A sealings within the MODUS
Type B sealings protect:
The connection of pressure transducer / transducers to the system (sealing B-1, figure 11)
The connection of temperature transducer / transducers to the system (sealing B-2, figure 12)
The connection between the device and the volume counter (sealing B-3, figure 13)
The lid of
, if available (sealing B-4, figure 14)
The change of the metrological parameters of the device is protected by a programming button (PROG,
see par.
Metrological Unlock Button
), when pressed allows you to reprogram some parameters of
metrological relevance.
Figure 11: Type B sealing for pressure transducer Figure 12: Type B sealing for temperature transducer