picoBoo FI-105 Operating Manual - page 4
AC Outputs
The outputs are standard powered outlets supplying power to your AC devices. Do not connect large motors to these
outputs. These outputs can provide a combined maximum current of 8 amps.
For certain applications it might be useful to turn an output off rather than on once the picoBoo is triggered. For
example, you’d like to connect a light to the picoBoo and you’d like it to be on while the ambient music is playing,
when the picoBoo gets triggered you want the light to go off. You can do this to one or both of your outputs by
setting them to normally-closed.
Setting Output to Normally-Closed
Power down the PicoBoo, wait 10 seconds
Hold “REC” AND the button(s) of the output(s) you want to set to N.C.
Power up the PicoBoo while holding the buttons
When the red light flashes twice you can let go of the buttons.
To set the outputs back to normally open simply repeat the above holding just “REC”
Setting Write-Protect
Once the picoBoo is programmed to your liking you can write-protect it to make sure the “REC” button is not
accidentally pressed thus changing or deleting your program. The write-protect setting toggles on and off, change it
by powering down your picoBoo for a few seconds then powering it back up holding only the “2” button.
- “REC” light keeps flashing when powered up
- Motion sensor won’t trigger scare
- The motion sensor is warming up, wait 2 minutes
- Input is set to normally-closed when it should be normally-open,
read “Inputs”
- Scare loops after about 2 minutes
- Input is set to normally-open when it should be normally-closed,
read “Inputs”
- Can’t record animation
- picoBoo is write-protected
- Audio source still connected to Line-In, remove it
- Sound cuts out sometimes
- Put diodes/caps on your solenoids, read above