Specifications subject to change. Copyright ® 2015 by Pico Digital Inc. All rights reserved. REV. 081715
HD MPEG 2/4 QAM Set-Top Box
3.2 Changing the Menu Language
Each set-top box can be set to show the menus in your preferred language. The box is currently set for Spanish.
To change this:
A. Go to the Menu.
B. Select “Settings.”
C. Inside the “Region” menu, scroll down to “Language.”
D. Select your preferred language by scrolling to the left or right.
E. Once selected, exit out of the menu.
F. The menu will begin showing your chosen language.
3.3 Parental Controls
Parental controls allow you to manage the channels that your children are able to view. This locking system can be used
to block specific channels or to lock the whole menu from being used without entering a password, safeguarding your
children from viewing any content you don’t want them viewing.