Note: The direction of the perimeter
seal should be so the outside
overlap is pointing in the direction
of rotation. (If you have questions,
contact Phoenix.)
5. Remove the old divider seal.
Install new divider seal using
original metal screws and
seals retainers. (Ref Figure B).
Figure A
Troubleshooting Guide
Probable Fault
Probable Cause
Corrective Action
Power and control failure 1. Main power off
Check line and main power supply
2. Control power off
a. Control circuit fuse blown
a. Replace fuse
b. Faulty control transformer
b. Replace transformer
c. Control switch open
c. Close or replace switch
d. Humidistat satisfied
d. Turn down to lower setpoint
e. Faulty control elements
e. Check and repair or replace as req’d
Power or mechanical
1. Blown motor fuse
Replace control circuit fuse
2. Bad Contactor
Repair or replace
3. Burned out motor
Repair or replace
4. Failures of fan motor
Repair or replace as req’d
Excessive infiltration of
1. Excessive unconditioned make-up air
Reduce make-up air
humid air into the
2. Leaking ducts and/or air handling equip. Seal leaks
controlled space
outside controlled space
3. Access openings to space not sealed
Close and/or seal
4. Space not vapor tight
Seal with paint and/or vapor barrier
Faulty humidity controls
1. Humidstat
a. Improper adjustment
a. Readjust
b. Defective
b. Replace
Inadequate air flow
1. Excessive static pressure loss
a. Dirty filter
a. Clean or replace
b. Obstruction at inlet, outlet or ducting
b. Remove obstruction
c. Clogged desiccant media
c. Remove and replace media
(High pressure drop across media)
Inadequate or no
1. Element burnout
reactivation heat
2. Low voltage
Correct power supply
3. Faulty control elements
Check, repair, or replace
Air seals and gaskets
1. Air leakage into dehumidifier
Replace panel gaskets and seals
2. Air bypassing media or leaking seals
Check media position, replace seals
Ineffective desiccant
1. Media drive failure
a. Belt
a. Repair or replace
b. Motor
b. Repair or replace
2. Damaged desiccant media
Repair or replace
3. Contaminated desiccant
Clean or replace rotor
Divider Seals
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Toll-Free 1-800-533-7533
Figure B
Seal Clamp
Perimeter Seal
Unit stopped
(Fan off No
Fan off (heater
Unit running but
humidity rises
9.4 Troubleshooting