Place the speaker cone down with the mounting holes toward the back of
the tender. Locate the two small square holes on the floorboard slats close to the
back. Align the back edge of the speaker rim with the floorboard groove that
runs through the holes. The speaker should be set so that the floorboard groove
is just visible. It is imperative that the speaker is placed precisely in order for
shell to fit back on the
tender floor. The front
edge of the speaker
extends into the area
where the coal spill is
modeled at the forward
end of the tender.
Make sure that any
loose pieces of the
model are glued
securely in place. Any
extra time you spend
making sure you have
a good acoustic
chamber is well worth
the effort. Set the
engine aside to allow
the adhesive to set.
Installing the Volume Control Switch
The Climax has a special place for the volume
control switch that makes it readily accessible. Look
at the back end of the coal load at the end of the
tender. There is a small water valve fitted with a lid
that has a handle. The lid pulls out to expose a hole.
It is difficult to place the hex nut on the shaft of the
volume switch after inserting the switch through the
water shaft hole. You can use an Allen wench to
position the nut and get it started then use needle
nose pliers to tighten it in place. It takes a steady
hand and patience.
December 2008
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