X = 33 Steps / mm
Reduce the flow rate of the water supply until
it is just sufficient to maintain the water box
coupling. If a good seal is achieved then it
should be possible to stop the feed completely.
Turn on the water supply to flood the water
box and use the ultrasonic display to fine tune
the adjustment of the probe height until it is
concentric (flat B-scan on perfectly round pipe).
Check the encoder is seated correctly and
rotates with scanner movement, recording
positional data. Adjust the spring rate via the
encoder mounting thumb screw if required.
Start the acquisition unit collecting data,
then pull the scanner along the pipe using the
Sp-Arc handles.
Set the encoder resolution to 33 steps/mm
(quadrature). Move the scanner to the start
position and set the position on the acquisition
unit to zero.
X = 0mm
3. Collecting data with Sp-Arc