Phalanx II NAS
User Manual
Phalanx II User Manual 9 Rev. B May 2019
Enter a name for the new Shared Folder in the “Name” field. This will
automatically populate the “Path” field in the same window. This “Path”
name is the name of the folder on the RAID set that is being shared, and
is the name used when connecting to the share when using SMB/CIFS.
Select the device the new Shared Folder will be created on. This will be
the name of the File System that was just created.
Assign the desired permission levels from the “Permissions” pull-down
menu. The default setting is sufficient in most applications.
Select the “Save” button at the bottom of the “Add shared folder” window
and apply the changes via the yellow banner at the top of the information
window before making further modifications.
5. Assign user permissions to the Share
After adding the Shared Folder, select the folder just created and then select the
“privileges” button above it.
Select the “Read/Write” checkbox next to the default ”user” accounts and
then select the “Save” button. This will assign read/write access to the
newly created share for the username “user” (default password =
Apply the changes via the yellow banner at the top of the information
window before making further modifications.
If other usernames are needed for access to the share, select the “User” tool under
“Access Rights Management” on the left side of the GUI. This will allow you to create
and/or modify User information. After creating a new user, permissions have to be
assigned to a share before that user can access the share.
6. Enable a file transfer Network Protocol
Under the “Services” tool on the left side of the screen, select the Protocol that the
Shared Folder will be shared across the network with (e.g. SMB/CIFS, NFS, or FTP). For
SMB/CIFS or FTP, the default setting will be sufficient for most applications.
Select the “Enable” slider button and then select “Save” to enable and
start the service/protocol. Apply the changes via the yellow banner at the
top of the information window before making further modifications.
7. Assign the Share to the Network Protocol
The final step is to assign a share to the protocol/service that was just started.
In the information window of the protocol that was just started, select the
“Shares” tab.