Phalanx II NAS
User Manual
Phalanx II User Manual 8 Rev. B May 2019
called /dev/md0, this is the new RAID set that the File System will be built
on in the next step.
Apply the changes via the yellow banner at the top of the information
window before making further modifications.
2. Create a File System on the RAID set
Do not unmount, delete, or in any way modify “/dev/sdc”. This is the
systems OS drive. Any changes to this system device can render the NAS inoperable.
To create a File System on the RAID set, select the “File Systems” tool under “Storage”
on the left side of the GUI.
Once in the File Systems window, select the “Create” button. This will
open a new window that will allow the user to assign a label to the File
System, select the File System type, and assign the RAID set (Device) the
File System will be written to.
Select the Device from the pull-down menu (/dev/md0).
Assign a “Label” to the File System.
Select the File System type from the pull-down menu. EXT4 is
recommended for most applications.
Select the “OK” button and wait for the file system to complete building.
This can take a very long time depending on the RAID level and capacity
of the storage devices.
3. Mount the File System
After the File System creation has completed successfully, select “/dev/md0” from the
File System list and select the “Mount” button.
Apply the changes via the yellow banner at the top of the information window before
making further modifications.
When mounting a file system, only press the “Mount” button once. It may take
several minutes for the system to react to the mount request. Clicking on the Mount
button more than once at this stage will cause OS errors.
4. Create a Share (shared folder) on the FS
The next step is to create a Shared Folder on the Files System/RAID set. To create a
Shared Folder on the File System, select the “Shared Folders” tool under “Access Rights
Management” on the left side of the GUI.
Select the “Add” button in the upper left of the Information window. This
will pull up a window that allow the user to configure the Shared Folder.