Blocking based on Canadian French ratings
Canadian-French language programs that are broadcast in Canada are rated by Québec’s
Ministry of Culture and Communications. TV broadcast signals carry rating data that enables
parental controls to block programs that parents don’t want others to view based on content
containing violence, language, sex, or nudity. The ratings are:
G – Generally suitable for all age groups
8+ – Viewers 8 years and older
13+ – Viewers 13 years and older
16+ – Viewers 16 years and older
18+ – Adults only
Blocking content with a particular rating also blocks content with a higher rating, and
unblocking content with a particular rating also unblocks movies with a lower rating.
To block programs based on Canadian-French ratings:
From the Home screen menu, navigate to
Settings > Parental controls
, and then enter
your parental control PIN.
In the
Parental controls
screen, navigate to
TV tuner > Canadian French ratings
Select the rating level you want to block. You need only select one rating level, and all
higher levels are automatically blocked.
Blocking unrated programs
Some broadcast TV programs and movies do not have an assigned rating, and are considered
to be “Unrated”. Whether or not such programs contain content that is objectionable to you
cannot be determined. However, you can choose to block such programs.
To block all unrated broadcasts:
From the Home screen menu, navigate to
Settings > Parental controls
, and then enter
your parental control PIN.
In the
Parental controls
screen, navigate to
TV tuner > Block all unrated programs
Unrated programs
and press
. When blocking is enabled, the adjacent
padlock icon changes from unlocked to locked.
Blocking programs that have not been assigned a rating does not block programs that
specifically have been assigned a US TV rating of “None” (for example a broadcast of a local
town council meeting). Programs that do not have an assigned rating display
Rating NA
“not applicable,” meaning a rating is not needed).