On-Screen Keyboard
The On-Screen Keyboard
Use the on-screen keyboard to type information on your TV
screen. When you request an activity that requires typing, such
as sending an e-mail message, a text box appears on the screen.
A text box contains a vertical yellow line, which indicates
exactly where you can type in the text box.
You can choose whether your keyboard displays letter keys in alpha-
betical order or standard typewriter order (QWERTY). See Setup on
page 30.
You can type on-screen only when a text box is displayed.
Press the GO button on the remote. The keyboard slides onto
your screen. To remove the on-screen keyboard at any time, press
the BACK button.
Displaying the on-screen keyboard
Move the yellow highlight to a text box using the remote con-
trol Arrow buttons. The highlight becomes a vertical yellow
line inside the box.
Typing letters, numbers, and punctuation marks using the on-screen
Highlight the desired character using the Arrow buttons on the remote control.
Press the GO button on the remote.
Typing upper case letters
Highlight SHIFT on the on-screen keyboard using the remote control Arrow
Press the GO button on the remote. The red light next to “caps” turns on.
Highlight the desired character using the remote control Arrow buttons.
Press the GO button on the remote.
To type more than one upper case letter, repeat these steps for each letter.