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Manage Scheduler
Note: Some of the pictures below might be slightly different to the screens you will see on your TV
related to SW versions. Functionality and different option stay the same as described in this chapter!
Navigate to the [Professional Menu] [Features] [Scheduler] menu, this function allows to set up 10
different schedules on same or different sources when the feature is enabled.
Navigate to the [Professional Menu] [Features] [Scheduler] [Manage] and open the menu
You can add a new schedule by selecting [New Schedule 1]
You will see below items:
[Enable]: You can disable the new Scheduler via [No] or enable it via [Yes]
[Name]: You need to give a name to the new Scheduler. Once you changed the name to what
you want the scheduler will be stored
[Switch On/To]: You can select different switch On or To settings:
[Channel Settings]: Switch On/To related to channels:
[Switch On Channel Filter]: You can select between:
[All Channels]
[TV Channels]
[Radio Channels]
… (list depends on your installation)
[Switch On Channel]: You can select specific Switch On channel