HD7762/00 /C
Repair of this appliance should be carried out on part and or assembly level, most repairs can be allocated to a couple of main
• Bean container and duo-bean mechanics
Disassembly instructions until Step 1.
• User interface assy
Disassembly instructions until Step 4.
When in the UI panel itself has been disassembled, please make sure the wire and flat cable seal is properly installed.
Upon reinstallation of the complete panel, please make sure the seal underneath the UI panel is put back.
• Main PCBA
Disassembly instructions until Step 4.
When only the PCBA needs replacement, skip steps 1 - 3. Upon reinstallation of the PCBA, please make sure the PCBA
holder slides back into its guiding recesses. Please note the position of the Grinder (DC-motor), and Synchro-motor
(AC-motor) leads, when reversed the appliance will not start up.
• Grinder
Disassembly instructions until Step 6, skip step 3 and 5.
It is not advisable to disassemble the grinder, as this will disrupt the grinders’ calibration. In production special tools are
used to adjust the grind-fineness to the optimal level.
• Synchro motor + valve and seal
Disassembly instructions until Step 6, skip step 3 and 5.
When the valve and or seal have been removed, please make sure that the seal does not get damaged, and that the seal gets
reinstalled correctly. The seal is critical to seal the grinder from steam coming from the coffee filter.
• Heater, bottom water supply
Disassembly instructions Step 4 and 5.
It is not advisable to disassemble the heater from the keep-warm plate. Heat-conductive paste should be applied to ensure
optimal heat transfer from the element to the plate, jug and coffee.
• Top water supply
Disassembly instructions Step 1 and 2.
The Silicon hose between the elbow joint and the showerhead does not need to be removed to uninstall this component,
when the hose does need replacement, make sure the hose clamps are put back properly, this is to prevent leakage.
When the showerhead has been removed it should be cleaned from any residual liquid gasket and new liquid gasket
(supplied in tubes of 45 g.) should be applied to ensure a proper seal.
• Complete Base, incl. metal wrap
Disassembly instructions Step 4 and 5.
The main PCBA and Heater assy need to be taken out completely, the base is screwed to the top by means of 6 screws.