Philips HC1091 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 2


General description  Fig  

Cutting unit
On off slide
Charging indicator
Socket for small plug
Ear contouring comb  mm


Hair comb  mm mm
Hair comb  mm


Hair comb 



Supply unit
Small plug
Bottle of sewing machine oil
Cleaning brush


Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to
Philips  To fully benefit from the support that
Philips offers  register your product at

www philips com welcome


Your new Philips kid hair clipper allows you to give
your child a professional haircut in the comfort of
your own home  The ultra silent motor and child
safe  lightweight and waterproof design makes
cutting hair a pain free  easy experience for you
and your child  The professional blade with the
specially designed rounded tips combined with
multiple lengths combs  helps you to safely create
a smooth  even cut  every time

Important safety information

Read this important information carefully before
you use the appliance and its accessories and save
it for future reference  The accessories supplied
may vary for different products


Keep the supply unit dry  5ig


To charge the battery  only
use the detachable supply
unit  type HQ


with the appliance
The supply unit contains a
transformer  Do not cut off
the supply unit to replace it
with another plug  as this
causes a hazardous situation
This appliance can be used
by children aged from   years
and above and persons with
reduced physical  sensory or
mental capabilities or lack of
experience and knowledge if
they have been given
supervision or instruction
concerning use of the
appliance in a safe way and
understand the hazards
involved  Children shall not
play with the appliance
Cleaning and user
maintenance shall not be
made by children without
Detach the hand held part
from the supply cord before
cleaning it in water














Содержание HC1091

Страница 1: ...HC1091 Koninklijke Philips N V ll rights reserved 2 3 1 2 4 5 6 7 1 2 8 2 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 17 18 19 recycled paper papier recyclé ...

Страница 2: ...very time Important safety information Read this important information carefully before you use the appliance and its accessories and save it for future reference The accessories supplied may vary for different products Danger Keep the supply unit dry 5ig Warning To charge the battery only use the detachable supply unit type HQ provided with the appliance The supply unit contains a transformer Do ...

Страница 3: The cutting performance decreases when the battery runs low Charge the battery or connect the appliance to the wall socket and use the appliance with cord The appliance does not work when I press the on off button The rechargeable battery is empty Charge the battery see Preparing for use The appliance is not connected to the wall socket Insert the small plug into the appliance and put the suppl...

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