DLE1210 Installation Manual Rev G.docx
Select a Suitable Location
This device is designed for indoor use only.
If installing in an external location, the
DLE1210 must be housed in a suitable well
ventilated enclosure. Choose a dry location
that will be accessible after the installation
is complete. To ensure the cooling system
functions correctly, the DLE1210 should
only be mounted
vertically, the right way
. The DLE1210 will generate heat when
operating, approximately 2 Watts per Amp
of load, and requires an air gap of 200mm
on each side and at the top and bottom of
the device. This air gap is also required to
ensure serviceability of the DLE1210
mounting surface. This device may emit
some mechanical noise. Take this into
account when deciding the mounting
Fixing the Device
The DLE1210 has integral mounting
brackets attached to the enclosure. The
brackets are designed to accommodate 4
fixing screws up to 8mm diameter. The
DLE1210 can be fixed to the wall without
opening the cabinet or removing covers.
Make sure no dust or other debris enters
the device during installation. Do not leave
the front cover off for any length of time.
Excessive dust and dirt can degrade the
cooling of internal components.
Allow for Cable Entry
Supply and load cables enter the enclosure
at the top. If these cables are fed from
below the mounting position, they should
be routed around the enclosure to enter at
the top. An alternative method is to stand
the enclosure off from the mounting surface
by mounting it on a cable tray or a Unistrut
style product. The cables can then be
routed between the enclosure and the
mounting surface, and enter the enclosure
via the cutout provided on the mounting
face. The control cables enter at the
bottom of the enclosure. Control cables
should never be run in the mains voltage
sections of the enclosure.