Work Prohibitions
Lift middle part
(same for upper and
lower side) NG
Cause colour spots (Diffusing
sheet overlap)
At worst, cell can be broken.
Lift 1 corner only NG
Cause colour spots (Diffusing
sheet overlap)
At worst, cell can be broken.
Rotate to reverse
direction at left and
(SET is prone to be
twisted NG)
Cause colour spots (Diffusing
sheet overlap)
At worst, cell can be broken.
When handling
repairing parts (no
rear cabinet), DO
NOT lift middle part
of SET
The middle of upper & lower side is
the weakest point for Rear Frame,
can cause it to deform easily
towards opening direction. For that
reason, the following symptoms
may occur.
• Irregularity will appear
(diffusing sheet will come out
from cell guide)
• Light leakage will happen
(CELL will come out)
Bezel reassembly
requires jigs;
otherwise, support
Rear Frame when
screwing so that the
Rear Frame will not
If a jig is not working effectively, the
following symptoms may occur.
• Rear Frame will deform towards
opening direction
• Diffusing plate will fall off from
Rear Frame
• Irregularity will appear on sheet
(diffusing sheet will come out
from cell guide)
• Cell will be either get between
cell guide or fall off.