background image

Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts




Mapping Large Signal Panel (Top Side)

0042 C8
0043 D3
0044 E7
0045 F5
1146 G2
1148 G3
1149 F2
1200 G10
1201 G6
1205 F8
1417 B8
1424 A10
1430 C9
1491 A7
1492 A10
1493 A8
1495 C10
1498 A10
1499 D9
1500 A2
1501 B2
1502 A3
1503 C3
1505 A2
1510 E5
1550 B3
1590 A3
1601 G1
1620 F1
1625 B10
1627 B10
1693 D9
1735 G5
1737 E7
1738 E7
1901 E10
1902 F10
1932 E8
1933 E10
1934 F10
1935 F9
1936 F7
1937 G7
1940 F9
1943 G10
1945 G5
1946 G5
1947 G4
1948 G8
1949 G2
1950 B1
1951 G7
1952 G9
1953 E7
1955 G8
1961 G7
1965 E9
1966 F8
1997 G10
2100 E3
2101 D2
2102 E2
2104 F3
2107 F3
2108 C2
2111 D1
2114 C2
2115 E2
2116 F1
2118 F2
2119 F3
2120 F2
2121 E2
2122 E2
2124 C2
2126 G2
2140 G3
2141 F2
2143 F2
2148 F1
2152 E3
2200 G9
2203 G9
2400 B6
2401 A7
2402 A10
2405 A7
2413 D8
2418 C8
2419 C7

2420 C8
2421 B6
2422 A5
2423 A6
2424 C5
2425 C7
2426 C6
2430 B7
2431 B7
2432 B6
2433 B6
2434 B6
2435 C8
2450 A10
2451 D10
2460 A10
2461 A10
2462 C10
2463 C9
2464 C10
2465 C9
2468 A9
2469 A8
2487 A7
2488 C8
2490 D6
2491 A6
2492 E8
2501 D4
2503 E3
2505 D5
2506 E5
2507 A2
2508 C5
2509 B5
2510 D3
2511 G5
2512 G4
2515 D4
2516 B4
2517 C4
2518 D3
2519 F4
2520 A3
2522 F4
2523 D4
2531 E4
2537 B4
2540 F4
2541 C3
2542 G5
2543 F5
2622 C10
2624 B10
2625 B10
2627 B10
2628 D10
2642 A6
2717 G5
2729 G6
2740 E7
2758 E7
2778 D6
2900 B1
2914 F10
2915 E9
2940 F7
2947 G2
2948 F7
2949 F7
3101 C2
3102 D2
3103 D2
3104 D2
3105 E2
3106 E1
3107 E2
3108 C2
3110 C2
3111 D2
3113 E2
3114 E1
3115 G1
3116 G2
3117 D2
3118 C2
3124 F1
3125 D1
3126 E1
3127 E1

3137 G1
3141 G3
3144 F2
3161 F2
3162 F2
3170 G2
3171 G2
3213 F7
3400 A9
3401 A7
3402 A7
3403 A7
3409 C9
3411 D8
3415 D8
3416 E8
3417 C8
3418 C6
3423 C7
3425 C6
3426 C6
3431 B7
3435 B6
3436 B5
3449 E9
3450 A10
3451 B10
3460 A10
3461 A10
3462 C9
3463 C9
3464 C9
3465 C9
3469 A10
3476 A7
3478 C6
3479 C6
3480 C6
3488 C5
3492 D7
3493 C6
3495 A6
3498 C10
3499 C10
3500 A4
3501 A4
3505 E3
3507 E5
3508 D4
3509 B2
3511 D3
3513 C3
3514 E4
3515 D5
3516 C3
3518 C3
3520 E4
3521 A2
3526 E5
3533 F4
3536 A4
3537 D5
3540 E4
3542 E5
3543 D3
3550 C4
3551 A3
3620 C10
3621 C10
3622 C10
3623 C10
3624 B10
3625 C10
3626 C10
3628 D9
3634 C10
3635 C9
3641 D10
3642 B10
3645 A7
3648 D10
3661 C10
3663 C10
3681 G1
3687 G1
3689 A8
3711 F6
3713 E6
3728 F6
3747 E6

3749 D7
3755 E6
3904 E9
3941 F10
3967 F10
3968 F10
3971 F10
3972 F10
3973 F10
3974 E10
3975 F10
3979 E10
3983 E10
3985 E10
3986 E10
3987 E10
3989 E10
3993 D10
3998 C1
5100 E2
5102 D1
5103 F3
5104 E2
5105 F2
5106 E1
5111 F2
5112 F2
5113 D2
5130 F2
5400 C5
5401 A7
5402 B8
5410 D9
5411 C8
5421 B7
5422 A6
5423 C7
5424 A6
5425 C7
5426 C8
5430 B10
5461 A10
5463 C9
5465 C8
5466 A8
5467 C6
5469 A8
5502 A5
5503 A3
5504 A3
5505 D4
5506 E5
5507 F4
5509 F5
5511 A4
5513 G5
5514 G4
5515 A3
5516 A5
5620 B10
5621 D10
5701 F6
5702 F6
5707 G6
5708 F6
5711 G5
5712 F6
5715 E7
5716 E6
5720 E7
5721 E6
5722 D7
5723 D7
5725 E5
5901 G9
5902 G3
5903 G1
5904 G8
6103 D2
6105 D2
6106 D1
6107 F3
6109 C2
6110 E2
6111 F3
6113 F2
6114 D2
6120 F1
6121 E1
6122 F1

6130 F3
6147 D3
6148 F2
6400 A9
6405 A7
6408 E8
6421 D8
6422 D7
6423 C7
6434 B6
6435 C6
6460 A10
6462 C9
6463 C9
6464 C9
6465 C9
6480 C7
6505 D4
6510 C3
6514 D5
6515 D5
6525 C5
6530 D3
6534 D3
6535 F3
6536 G4
6619 B10
6620 C10
6621 C10
6622 C10
6900 B1
7100 D1
7101 C2
7102 D3
7103 E1
7104 E1
7105 C1
7120 E2
7131 F3
7141 G4
7408 D8
7421 D8
7440 D9
7480 D6
7482 D8
7483 D8
7502 E3
7504 D4
7506 E4
7507 E4
7528 B2
7529 F4
7613 D9
7620 C10
7680 F1
7682 G1
7700 F6
7702 E6
7910 G7
7911 G9
7912 G9
9101 C2
9102 F3
9110 C2
9112 F2
9114 D2
9117 E2
9118 G2
9119 G2
9120 G2
9121 G3
9122 F1
9123 E3
9124 F2
9125 G2
9126 G3
9127 E2
9223 G7
9224 G7
9227 G6
9260 F10
9401 B7
9402 B5
9403 C5
9404 C5
9405 E9
9406 B7
9408 C10
9409 A10
9410 A8

9411 A10
9412 E8
9413 E9
9414 E9
9415 E9
9423 C7
9425 C6
9426 C8
9501 A2
9502 A2
9503 B4
9504 B5
9510 D4
9511 C4
9513 B5
9515 E5
9516 A3
9517 E4
9518 C3
9519 B4
9551 C4
9552 F4
9554 C4
9556 E5
9557 E4
9558 E3
9563 E5
9564 C3
9566 E4
9567 B4
9570 F5
9571 F5
9620 C10
9622 C10
9623 C9
9650 C10
9651 C10
9652 A10
9655 A10
9656 A10
9658 C8
9659 B6
9660 B6
9661 B5
9663 B5
9664 C10
9665 C8
9666 C8
9667 C7
9669 D7
9670 C7
9671 B6
9674 A8
9675 A10
9701 E6
9703 E6
9708 D7
9709 F6
9712 E6
9715 D6
9718 E6
9719 E6
9720 E6
9721 D6
9901 G7
9902 G8
9903 G8
9906 G10
9907 G7
9909 G6
9910 E8
9911 E8
9912 E8
9913 E8
9914 E8
9915 E9
9916 E8
9917 E8
9918 E10
9919 E9
9920 E9
9921 E9
9922 E10
9923 E10
9924 E10
9925 E10
9926 F10
9929 G9
9930 G8
9931 F9

9932 G9
9933 F10
9934 F9
9935 G9
9936 G9
9937 G8
9938 G9
9939 F8
9940 G9
9942 F7
9943 G8
9944 G8
9945 G8
9946 G9
9947 G8
9948 F8
9949 F7
9950 F7
9951 G1
9952 G6
9953 G6
9954 F8
9955 G6
9956 G6
9957 B1
9958 B1
9959 F9
9961 F8
9963 G10
9964 G4
9965 G4
9967 G6
9968 F8
9969 F9
9971 G10
9972 G10
9974 G6
9975 G4
9976 B1
9977 E9
9980 G6
9982 F8
9996 F7



Mapping Large Signal Panel (Bottom Side)

0042 C3
0043 D8
0044 E4
0045 F6
1146 G9
1148 G8
1149 F9
1200 G1
1201 G5
1205 F3
1417 B4
1424 A1
1430 C2
1491 A3
1492 A1
1493 A3
1495 C2
1498 A1
1499 E2
1500 A9
1501 B9
1502 A8
1503 C8
1505 A8
1510 D6
1550 C8
1590 A8
1601 G10
1620 F10
1625 B1
1627 B1
1693 D2
1735 G5
1737 E4
1738 E4
1901 E1
1902 F1
1932 E3
1933 E2
1934 F2
1935 F2
1936 E4
1937 G4
1940 F2
1943 G1
1945 G6
1946 G6
1947 G7
1948 G3
1949 G9
1950 B10
1951 G4
1952 G2
1953 E3
1955 G3
1961 G4
1965 E2
1966 F3
1997 G1
2100 E8
2101 E9
2102 E9
2103 D9
2104 F8
2105 D9
2106 G9
2107 F8
2108 C9
2109 F10
2110 D10
2111 D10
2112 D9
2114 C9
2115 F9
2116 F10
2118 F8
2119 G8
2120 G9
2121 E9
2122 E9
2123 C10
2124 C9
2126 G9
2130 G8
2131 G9
2140 F8
2141 F9
2143 F9
2144 C10
2145 C9

2147 G8
2148 F10
2149 F10
2150 G9
2152 E8
2153 E10
2154 F9
2200 G2
2201 G1
2202 G1
2203 G2
2204 F3
2400 B5
2401 A4
2402 A2
2403 D2
2404 D2
2405 A4
2409 D3
2412 D3
2413 D3
2414 D3
2415 D3
2417 C3
2418 C3
2419 C4
2420 C3
2421 B5
2422 B5
2423 B5
2424 C5
2425 B4
2426 C5
2430 B4
2431 B4
2432 B5
2433 B5
2434 B5
2435 C4
2440 D2
2441 B2
2442 B2
2443 B2
2444 B1
2445 B1
2448 A5
2450 A1
2451 E1
2454 E2
2455 F3
2457 D1
2458 E3
2460 A1
2461 A1
2462 C1
2463 C2
2464 C1
2465 C2
2466 A5
2468 A2
2469 A3
2480 C5
2481 C5
2482 D5
2483 F2
2487 A4
2488 C4
2490 D5
2491 A5
2492 E3
2493 E2
2494 B3
2495 B4
2496 F2
2497 A5
2498 A5
2499 A5
2501 D7
2502 E7
2503 D8
2504 D8
2505 D6
2506 E6
2507 B9
2508 C6
2509 B6
2510 D8
2511 G6
2512 G7
2513 E7

2514 E7
2515 D7
2516 C7
2517 C7
2518 D8
2519 F7
2520 A8
2522 F7
2523 D7
2524 E7
2525 E7
2528 B9
2530 E7
2531 E7
2535 D6
2537 B7
2538 E7
2540 F7
2541 D8
2542 G7
2543 F6
2544 D7
2601 F10
2603 D1
2604 C1
2605 D1
2620 C1
2621 C1
2622 C1
2623 D2
2624 B1
2625 B1
2627 B1
2628 D1
2629 B1
2630 D1
2631 D1
2633 C1
2635 D2
2642 A4
2653 C1
2656 D2
2657 D2
2659 D2
2660 A5
2661 C1
2662 E2
2702 E5
2704 E5
2705 D5
2706 F5
2707 F5
2708 F5
2709 F6
2710 F6
2711 F5
2712 F6
2713 D5
2714 F6
2715 F6
2716 F5
2717 G5
2718 F5
2719 G6
2720 F5
2721 F5
2722 F5
2723 E4
2724 F5
2725 E5
2726 F5
2727 F5
2728 F5
2729 F5
2740 E4
2741 E4
2742 E4
2743 E4
2744 E5
2745 E4
2746 E5
2747 E4
2748 D5
2749 D5
2750 E4
2751 E4
2753 E4
2754 D4
2755 D4
2756 E4

2757 D4
2758 E4
2759 E4
2760 E4
2761 E5
2762 E4
2763 E4
2777 F5
2778 D5
2779 F5
2780 F6
2781 F6
2782 E4
2783 E5
2784 E4
2785 E5
2786 F6
2787 E5
2791 E5
2792 E5
2900 B10
2914 F1
2915 E2
2916 F1
2917 E2
2918 F1
2929 E4
2930 F2
2931 F4
2940 F4
2941 F3
2942 G3
2943 G3
2944 E1
2945 F4
2946 F4
2947 G9
2948 F4
2949 F4
2950 G1
2951 G2
2952 G6
2985 F1
2987 F1
2988 F1
2989 F1
2990 E1
2991 E1
2992 E1
2993 D1
2994 D1
2995 E1
2996 E1
2997 D1
2998 D1
2999 D1
3101 C9
3102 D9
3103 D9
3104 D9
3105 D9
3106 E10
3107 E10
3108 D9
3109 G10
3110 C9
3111 D9
3113 E9
3114 E10
3115 F9
3116 G9
3117 D9
3118 D9
3120 E9
3121 E9
3122 E9
3123 F10
3124 F10
3125 D10
3126 E10
3127 E10
3130 F9
3131 F9
3132 G9
3133 F9
3134 G8
3135 G9
3136 F8
3137 G10
3140 F9

3141 G8
3142 G8
3143 G8
3144 F9
3145 D9
3146 C9
3147 D9
3148 C9
3149 C10
3150 C9
3151 G9
3152 C9
3153 F9
3155 G8
3156 G9
3157 G8
3158 G9
3159 G8
3160 C9
3161 F9
3162 F9
3164 G9
3165 G9
3166 G10
3167 G10
3168 F10
3170 G9
3171 G9
3200 G1
3201 G1
3210 F5
3211 G4
3212 F5
3213 F4
3214 F3
3250 G2
3261 G1
3262 G1
3400 A2
3401 A4
3402 A4
3403 A4
3404 D3
3406 D3
3407 D3
3409 C2
3410 C3
3411 D3
3412 D2
3414 D3
3415 D3
3416 E3
3417 C3
3418 C5
3419 D2
3420 D2
3421 D2
3422 D2
3423 C4
3425 C5
3426 C5
3427 F2
3428 F3
3429 F2
3430 F3
3431 B4
3432 F2
3435 B5
3436 B6
3437 B2
3440 E2
3441 D2
3442 D2
3443 D2
3444 B2
3445 B2
3446 B2
3447 B2
3448 B1
3449 E2
3450 A1
3451 B1
3452 B1
3453 B1
3454 B2
3455 D2
3456 D2
3457 D2
3458 E3
3459 E3

3460 A1
3461 A1
3462 C2
3463 C2
3464 C2
3465 C2
3466 A5
3467 A4
3469 A1
3472 A5
3474 A5
3475 A6
3476 A4
3478 C5
3479 C5
3480 C5
3481 D5
3482 D5
3483 D5
3484 D4
3485 D3
3486 D2
3487 E2
3488 C6
3489 D5
3490 D4
3491 A5
3492 D4
3493 C5
3495 B5
3496 D4
3497 A4
3498 C2
3499 C1
3500 A7
3501 A8
3504 E7
3505 E8
3506 E7
3507 E6
3508 D7
3509 B9
3510 E7
3511 D8
3512 D8
3513 C8
3514 E6
3515 D6
3516 C8
3517 E7
3518 C8
3519 E7
3520 E7
3521 A9
3522 E7
3523 E7
3524 B9
3525 E7
3526 E6
3527 E7
3528 C9
3529 B9
3530 E7
3531 E7
3532 B9
3533 F7
3534 B9
3535 D6
3536 A7
3537 D6
3540 E7
3542 E6
3543 D8
3547 E8
3549 E6
3550 C8
3551 A8
3552 D7
3553 D7
3610 D2
3611 E2
3620 C1
3621 C1
3622 C1
3623 C1
3624 B1
3625 C1
3626 C1
3627 B1
3628 D2

3629 B1
3630 C1
3631 D1
3632 D1
3633 D1
3634 C1
3635 C2
3636 D2
3637 D1
3638 C1
3639 D1
3640 D1
3641 D1
3642 B1
3643 C1
3644 A4
3645 A4
3646 B1
3647 B1
3648 D1
3649 F10
3652 A5
3653 B1
3654 E2
3655 D2
3656 E2
3657 D2
3658 E2
3659 D2
3660 D1
3661 C1
3662 D1
3663 B1
3664 D2
3665 A5
3681 G10
3682 G10
3683 G10
3684 F10
3685 G10
3686 G10
3687 G10
3688 C5
3689 A3
3690 C1
3701 E5
3702 E5
3703 D5
3704 E5
3705 F5
3706 F5
3707 F5
3708 F6
3709 G6
3710 F5
3711 F5
3712 F5
3713 E6
3714 E5
3715 D5
3716 D5
3717 G5
3718 G5
3719 E5
3720 D4
3721 F5
3722 F5
3723 F5
3724 F5
3725 F5
3726 F5
3727 G6
3728 F5
3729 E3
3730 D4
3731 E5
3732 E4
3733 E4
3734 E4
3735 E4
3736 E5
3737 E4
3738 E4
3739 E4
3740 E4
3741 E4
3742 E4
3743 G5
3744 E4
3745 G5

3746 E6
3747 D5
3748 D5
3749 D4
3750 G6
3751 E4
3752 E4
3755 E5
3760 F5
3790 E5
3791 F5
3792 E5
3793 F5
3794 D4
3795 D4
3796 D4
3797 E4
3798 E6
3900 B10
3901 B10
3902 B10
3903 F2
3904 E2
3907 G2
3910 G2
3928 F1
3929 F1
3930 G1
3938 F1
3939 F1
3940 F1
3941 G1
3942 E3
3943 F2
3945 F2
3959 D1
3960 D1
3961 F1
3962 F1
3963 F1
3964 F1
3965 F1
3966 F1
3967 F1
3968 F1
3969 F1
3970 F1
3971 F1
3972 F1
3973 E1
3974 F1
3975 F1
3976 F1
3977 F1
3978 E1
3979 E1
3980 E1
3981 E1
3982 E1
3983 E1
3984 E1
3985 E1
3986 E1
3987 E1
3988 E1
3989 E1
3990 D1
3991 E1
3992 D1
3993 D1
3994 D1
3995 D1
3996 D1
3997 D1
3998 C10
3999 B10
5100 E9
5102 D10
5103 F8
5104 E8
5105 F9
5106 E10
5111 F9
5112 F9
5113 D9
5130 F9
5400 C6
5401 A4
5402 B3
5410 D3

5411 C3
5421 B4
5422 A5
5423 C4
5424 A5
5425 C5
5426 C4
5430 B2
5461 A1
5463 C2
5465 C3
5466 A3
5467 C4
5469 A3
5502 B7
5503 B8
5504 B8
5505 D7
5506 F6
5507 F7
5509 F7
5511 A6
5513 F6
5514 F7
5515 A8
5516 A7
5620 B1
5621 D1
5701 F6
5702 F5
5703 F5
5707 G5
5708 F5
5711 G6
5712 F5
5715 D4
5716 D5
5720 E4
5721 E5
5722 D4
5723 D4
5725 E6
5901 G2
5902 G8
5903 G10
5904 G3
6080 G10
6081 F10
6082 F10
6083 F10
6084 F10
6101 D9
6102 E9
6103 D9
6104 E9
6105 D9
6106 D10
6107 F8
6108 D10
6109 C9
6110 F9
6111 F8
6112 G9
6113 F9
6114 D9
6115 D9
6116 C9
6117 F9
6118 F10
6119 F10
6120 F10
6121 E10
6122 E10
6130 F8
6132 G9
6133 F9
6134 F9
6141 G7
6142 C10
6144 C9
6147 D8
6148 F9
6149 G9
6200 G1
6201 G2
6202 G2
6400 A2
6401 B1
6402 F2
6405 A4

6406 D3
6407 E3
6408 E3
6409 B2
6410 B2
6411 B2
6412 B2
6413 B2
6414 B2
6415 B1
6421 D4
6422 D4
6423 C4
6434 B5
6435 C5
6442 B1
6455 D3
6456 E1
6457 E2
6458 E2
6460 A1
6462 C2
6463 C2
6464 C2
6465 C2
6480 C4
6481 C5
6482 D5
6483 C5
6491 A5
6493 A5
6494 A5
6499 A5
6505 D7
6506 E7
6507 E7
6509 E7
6510 C8
6511 B9
6512 C9
6514 D6
6515 D6
6516 E7
6517 E7
6523 F7
6525 D6
6530 D8
6533 F8
6534 D8
6535 F8
6536 G7
6537 E7
6614 D2
6615 D3
6616 D2
6617 D1
6618 D1
6619 B1
6620 C1
6621 C1
6622 C1
6623 A5
6624 B1
6625 D2
6626 D2
6627 D2
6628 B1
6701 E5
6745 G5
6900 B10
6901 F3
6950 E1
6951 F1
6953 E1
6954 E1
6955 E1
6956 F1
6957 E1
6958 E1
6959 F1
6960 E1
6961 F1
6962 F1
7100 D10
7101 D9
7102 D8
7103 E10
7104 E10
7105 C10
7120 E9

7130 G9
7131 F8
7132 G8
7133 F9
7140 G7
7141 G7
7210 G5
7211 F5
7407 B1
7408 D3
7409 D3
7421 C3
7440 D2
7441 D2
7442 A5
7443 A4
7445 D2
7450 D1
7455 E3
7480 D5
7482 D3
7483 D3
7486 D5
7487 D4
7501 C9
7502 E8
7504 D7
7506 E7
7507 E8
7528 C9
7529 E7
7530 E7
7611 D1
7612 C1
7613 D2
7614 D1
7620 B1
7641 A4
7652 B5
7653 A5
7654 A5
7680 F10
7681 G10
7682 G10
7700 F5
7701 E5
7702 E4
7703 E5
7704 E5
7705 D5
7706 E5
7707 E5
7708 D4
7901 G1
7902 G1
7908 F2
7910 G4
7911 G2
7912 G2
9101 C9
9102 F8
9103 E10
9105 G9
9106 E10
9107 F9
9108 F9
9110 C9
9112 F9
9114 D9
9117 E9
9118 G9
9119 G9
9120 G9
9121 G8
9122 F9
9123 E8
9124 F9
9125 G9
9126 G8
9127 E9
9128 G8
9200 F3
9201 G4
9202 F2
9203 G3
9204 F3
9205 G2
9206 G2
9207 G3
9208 G3

9209 B10
9210 F4
9211 F4
9212 G2
9214 G2
9215 G2
9216 G1
9217 G1
9218 G1
9219 F1
9221 G9
9222 G9
9223 G4
9224 G4
9225 F2
9226 F2
9227 G5
9228 G9
9229 G7
9250 F4
9251 F4
9260 F1
9261 E1
9262 E1
9263 D1
9264 F1
9401 B4
9402 B6
9403 C6
9404 C6
9405 E2
9406 B4
9408 C1
9409 A1
9410 A3
9411 A1
9412 E3
9413 E2
9414 E2
9415 E2
9417 C3
9418 A5
9421 E2
9422 E3
9423 C4
9424 D4
9425 C5
9426 C3
9427 E2
9428 D2
9429 E2
9430 E2
9431 D2
9432 E2
9433 D3
9434 D2
9435 D1
9436 D2
9437 E3
9438 C1
9440 G10
9441 D1
9443 D3
9481 E2
9482 D4
9483 D4
9499 A5
9501 A9
9502 A9
9503 B7
9504 B6
9505 F7
9510 D7
9511 C7
9513 B6
9515 E6
9516 A7
9517 E7
9518 B8
9519 B7
9551 C7
9552 F7
9554 C7
9556 E6
9557 E7
9558 E8
9560 D7
9561 E7
9563 E6
9564 C8

9566 E7
9567 B7
9570 F6
9571 F6
9620 B1
9621 G10
9622 C1
9623 C3
9624 D5
9650 C1
9651 C1
9652 A1
9655 A1
9656 A1
9658 C3
9659 B5
9660 B5
9661 B6
9663 B6
9664 C1
9665 C3
9666 C3
9667 C4
9669 D4
9670 C4
9671 B5
9674 A3
9675 A1
9676 E2
9677 D1
9701 E5
9702 E5
9703 E5
9704 E5
9705 F5
9706 E6
9707 E5
9708 D4
9709 F5
9711 D5
9712 E5
9713 D5
9714 F6
9715 D5
9716 F6
9717 F5
9718 E5
9719 E5
9720 E5
9721 D5
9901 G4
9902 G3
9903 G3
9904 G3
9905 E3
9906 G1
9907 G4
9908 G1
9909 G5
9910 E3
9911 E3
9912 E3
9913 E3
9914 E3
9915 E2
9916 E3
9917 E3
9918 E1
9919 E2
9920 E2
9921 E2
9922 E1
9923 E1
9924 E1
9925 F1
9926 F1
9927 E3
9928 F4
9929 G2
9930 G3
9931 F2
9932 G2
9933 F1
9934 F2
9935 G2
9936 G2
9937 G3
9938 G2
9939 F3
9940 G2

9942 F4
9943 G3
9944 G3
9945 G3
9946 G2
9947 G3
9948 F3
9949 F4
9950 F4
9951 G10
9952 G5
9953 G5
9954 F3
9955 G5
9956 G5
9957 B10
9958 B10
9959 F2
9960 G6
9961 F3
9962 G6
9963 G1
9964 G7
9965 G7
9966 G7
9967 G5
9968 F3
9969 F2
9970 G7
9971 G1
9972 G1
9973 G7
9974 G5
9975 G7
9976 B10
9977 E2
9978 G7
9979 G7
9980 G5
9981 G2
9982 F3
9983 G3
9985 E1
9986 E1
9987 F2
9988 F1
9989 F1
9990 F1
9991 F1
9992 F1
9993 F1
9994 F1
9996 F4
9997 F3
9998 F4



Содержание 28PW9528

Страница 1: ... Circuitry Diagram A5 45 50 56 Audio Amplifier Diagram A6 46 50 56 Tuner SIMM connector Female Diagram A8 47 50 56 Receiver Diagram A9 48 50 56 Front Diagram A10 48 50 56 Inputs Outputs Diagram A11 49 50 56 SIMM connector Male Diagram B1 57 68 73 IF I O Videoprocessing Diagram B2 58 68 73 PICNIC Diagram B3A 59 68 73 Diversity Tables SSB Not Applicable Yet 60 68 73 Falconic Diagram B3B 61 68 73 Eag...

Страница 2: ...75 ohm Cinch In 1 CVBS 1 Vpp 75 ohm 2 Audio L 0 5 Vrms 10 kohm 3 Audio R 0 5 Vrms 10 kohm Mini Jack Headphone Out Headphone 32 600 ohm 10 mW 1 2 2 Rear Connections Figure 1 2 Rear View Aerial In IEC type Coax 75 ohm Cinch Audio Out Audio R 0 5 Vrms 1 kohm Audio L 0 5 Vrms 1 kohm External 1 RGB YUV and CVBS In Out Figure 1 3 SCART connector 1 Audio R 0 5 Vrms 1 kohm 2 Audio R 0 5 Vrms 10 kohm 3 Aud...

Страница 3: ...xternal 3 RGB and CVBS In Figure 1 5 SCART connector 1 n c 2 Audio R 0 5 Vrms 10 kohm 3 n c 4 Audio Ground 5 Audio Ground 6 Audio L 0 5 Vrms 10 kohm 7 Blue in 0 7 Vpp 75 ohm 8 CVBS status 0 1 3 V INT 4 5 7 V EXT 16 9 9 5 12 V EXT 4 3 9 Video Ground 10 n c 11 Green in 0 7 Vpp 75 ohm 12 n c 13 Video Ground 14 Video Ground 15 Red in 0 7 Vpp 75 ohm 16 Status FBL 0 0 4 V INT 1 3 V EXT 75 ohm 17 Video G...


Страница 5: ...ograms with regard to the chassis ground symbol or hot ground symbol The direct voltages and oscillograms shown in the diagrams are indicative Measure them in the Service Default Mode see chapter 5 with a colour bar signal and stereo sound L 3 kHz R 1 kHz unless stated otherwise and picture carrier at 61 25 MHz NTSC Where necessary measure the oscillograms and direct voltages with symbol and witho...

Страница 6: ...Directions for Use EN 6 EM5 1E 3 3 Directions for Use ...

Страница 7: ...Directions for Use EN 7 EM5 1E 3 ...

Страница 8: ...Directions for Use EN 8 EM5 1E 3 ...

Страница 9: ...Directions for Use EN 9 EM5 1E 3 ...

Страница 10: ...Directions for Use EN 10 EM5 1E 3 ...

Страница 11: ...Directions for Use EN 11 EM5 1E 3 ...

Страница 12: ...Directions for Use EN 12 EM5 1E 3 ...

Страница 13: ...Directions for Use EN 13 EM5 1E 3 ...

Страница 14: ...Directions for Use EN 14 EM5 1E 3 ...

Страница 15: ...Directions for Use EN 15 EM5 1E 3 ...

Страница 16: ...Directions for Use EN 16 EM5 1E 3 ...

Страница 17: ... the two sides and at the top of the rear cover 3 Release at bottom side the rear cover securing clips and remove the rear cover Make sure that wires and cables will not be damaged during the cover remove action 4 2 3 Sub woofer Removal Caution Do not disconnect the loudspeaker cable from the subwoofer box when the set is operative because the class D amplifier cannot handle a change in load durin...

Страница 18: the oblique accessed mounting hole in the bottom plate and pull it backwards to lock the panel in this position 4 3 5 Small Signal Board SSB Caution Always switch the set completely OFF disconnect the mains cord before you remove or replace the SBB As the 5V2 standby voltage is always present while the set is switched On in Standby or in Protection mode on the SIMM connector it is very risky to...

Страница 19: ...tool under 12nc 9965 000 14526 4 4 Assy Board Removal Sometimes it can be necessary to swap a complete assy or Printed Wiring Board PWB How that can be done is explained below 4 4 1 Top Control Assy Panel Figure 4 8 Top control assy 1 Release both fixation screws about 5 full turns 2 Pull the complete assy back and upwards it hinges in the cabinet front 3 Flip the assy and you can access the board...

Страница 20: ...ervice Position 2 Because most of its components are placed on the bottom side you must lift the panel from its bracket before you can measure it 1 Therefore release the two fixation clamps at the top side 2 Lift the panel from the bracket it hinges at the bottom To remove the bracket 1 First remove the panel from the bracket as described above 2 Then remove the two fixation screws at the bottom 3...

Страница 21: ... 25 All service unfriendly modes if present are disabled like Sleep timer Child parental lock Blue mute Automatic volume limiter AVL Auto switch off when no video signal was received for 10 minutes Skip blank of non favourite pre sets Smart modes Auto store of personal presets Auto user menu time out How to enter SDM Use one of the following methods Use the standard RC transmitter and key in the c...

Страница 22: ...minated DAILY MENUS With the OK button you can go to the normal user menu SAM is still active in the background With the MENU button you return from the user menu to SAM menu This feature can be helpful to quickly change some settings in the user menu SW MAINTENANCE UPGRADE Not applicable for this chassis EVENTS Not useful for service purposes In case of specific software problems the development ...

Страница 23: ...htness as set by the customer The value can vary from 0 brightness is minimum to 100 brightness is maximum Brightness values can be changed via the CURSOR LEFT and CURSOR RIGHT keys on the RC transmitter after pressing the MENU button and selecting PICTURE and BRIGHTNESS CONTRAST Gives the last status of the contrast as set by the customer The value can vary from 0 contrast is minimum to 100 contr...

Страница 24: ...layed if child lock is set to CUSTOM LOCK LOCK AFTER Indicates at what time the child lock is set OFF or e g 18 45 lock time This is only displayed if child lock is set to CUSTOM LOCK CATEGORY LOCK Indicates the last status of the EPG theme childlock MOVIES NEWS SHOWS SPORTS CHILDREN MUSIC CULTURE or SERIES This is only displayed if child lock is set to CUSTOM LOCK It is possible that more than on...

Страница 25: ...e big advantages ComPair helps you to quickly get an understanding on how to repair the chassis in a short time by guiding you systematically through the repair procedures ComPair allows very detailed diagnostics on I2C level and is therefore capable of accurately indicating problem areas You do not have to know anything about I2C commands yourself because ComPair takes care of this ComPair speeds...

Страница 26: ComPair32 SearchMan32 software and ComPair interface excl transformer 3122 785 90450 ComPair interface excluding transformer 4822 727 21631 Starter kit ComPair32 software registration version 3122 785 60040 Starter kit SearchMan32 software 3122 785 60050 ComPair32 CD update 3122 785 60110 SearchMan32 CD update 3122 785 60120 ComPair interface cable 3122 785 90004 5 5 Error Codes 5 5 1 Introduct...

Страница 27: ...fer Error codes 10 are shown as follows A long blink of 750 ms which is an indication of the decimal digit A pause of 1 5 s n short blinks where n 1 9 When all the error codes are displayed the sequence finishes with a LED blink of 3 s The sequence starts again Example Error 12 9 6 0 0 After activation of the SDM the red front LED will show 1 long blink of 750 ms which is an indication of the deci...

Страница 28: not possible to enter the SAM in standby the TV has to be in normal operation mode The Protection Diagram shows the structure of the protection system See diagram below Figure 5 3 Protection diagram There are several types of protections I2C related protections OTC related protections via polling on I O pins or via algorithms HOP related protections mainly for deflection items Hardware errors t...

Страница 29: ...d to a partly set protection PROT1 DC protection When a DC voltage positive or negative is sensed on one of the loudspeaker outputs the protection circuit TS7704 7705 7706 and 7707 in diagram A6 will put the IC7700 in Standby mode via tri state input pin 6 For more details see chapter Circuit Descriptions 5 8 Repair tips 5 8 1 Miscellaneous The relay you hear when you switch the set on from Standb...

Страница 30: ...2 785 90310 More detailed way 1 Replace FET 7504 and zener 6505 2 Remove the SSB panel 3 Short B and E of TS7529 in order to put the Main Supply in on mode TS7529 is blocking then Caution To prevent that R3403 and TS7443 will be damaged first disable the HW protection of the deflection circuit Therefore short circuit C2642 on the LSP diagram A4 4 Attach a load of 500 O to V_BAT capacitor C2515 the...

Страница 31: ...on a local keyboard operation you must check the RC receiver circuitry diagram E Relay degaussing is not audible when set is switched from off or standby to on uP is not working correctly When pin 115 is low the degaussing must be activated Check RESET circuitry on diagram B5 Check the level on pin 115 when you switch the set on Signal must be low initially and go to high after approx 12 s Picture...

Страница 32: ...Service Modes Error Codes and Fault Finding EN 32 EM5 1E 5 Personal Notes ...

Страница 33: ...17 1418 3P 1415 1693 1497 0317 I WIRELESS TRANSMITTER R MAINS SWITCH PANEL E 1435 DC SHIFT OPTIONAL G MAINS CORD MAINS SWITCH SSB PANEL CRT PANEL F LSP LARGE SIGNAL PANEL 3P 3P 1952 3P 3P 3P 3P 7P 1424 1000 1992 1690 WIRELESS TRANSMITTER CONN 1940 1955 5P 3P 3P 6P 5P 1947 5P 1946 1945 9P 11P 11P 1937 1402 5P 1402 8680 1680 10P 1201 1952 1272 10P 11P 10P 11P 4P 2P 2P 2P 2P 2P 2P 3P 9P 10P 3P 11P 80...

Страница 34: ...57 2403 7441 3459 7455 8V6 13V LOT 15V_LOT ARC PROT 8Vb 8V6 6 5 5100 7103 OR 7104 7 8 10 3 6107 5103 6111 3113 6122 11V_STBY 11V 5 2V 5V 5 2V_MP 8V6 8V6 6103 6109 20V 5102 2102 2 1 3456 3404 3419 7440 B CURRENT SOURCE 6 2 1 3 HFB_X RAY PROT B4 B4 FRAMEDRIVE HOP B5 OTC STANDBY HOP HOP FRAMEDRIVE B4 FOCUS A 2 3 4 1 1495 3479 6491 EW 7442 7654 7653 3660 VBATT 3640 3631 8V6 6627 6626 6625 3642 3643 TV...

Страница 35: ... 11 1000 7402 20 16 8 21 19 15 11 7 9 2x Y CVBS FRONT IN 8 2x C FRONT IN 1952 1 2 3 TER CVBS OUT 1272 1 2 3 CVBS TER OUT VIDEO PULSE FORMER 530us L1 L2 L3 L6 L4 12 14 15 19 18 Y OUT OUTPUTS 12 14 15 18 19 NOT USED IF EAGLE IS PRESENT U OUT V OUT VD HD OR OR OUTPUT FILTER OR OR OR 3721 HD100 VD100 OR OR OR OR 54 OR Y_EAGLE_E U_EAGLE_E V_EAGLE_E Y100 U100 V100 6 8 9 VD_E HD_E Y_EAGLE_E U_EAGLE_E V_E...

Страница 36: ... 5720 5702 5701 15W 8ohm CENTRE 7678 A 12 13 14 14 7653 2 1 15 15 4 7653 5 3 61 7667 2 1 4 7652 5 3 OSC STBY MUTE 7702 TDA7490 PWM PMW 16V 19V 6 7 70 R CL_VL OUT L CL_VL OUT R SC2 OUT L SC2 OUT 7680 1 8 7681 MC33178D 8V_AUD 7 4 3 5 R L 3506 3728 3729 3717 3718 3518 3527 1339 SURROUND JACK 7505 IO_6 5V_IO 3501 SEL_IN_2 59 55 HEADPHONE R 68 HEADPHONE L 67 R SC1 AV OUT 61 L SC1 AV OUT 56 6 69 4 2 77 ...

Страница 37: ...4T ERR 19 1201 1 2 DAC SDA2 TM SCL2 TM I2C_MUTE 7419 3439 5404 4430 IIC Error codes I O PROCESSING C3 3431 SDA SCL 3432 2 3 7403 M632OP I O EXPANDER DW PANEL C1 3855 3854 73 74 7801 SAB9081 PIP CONTROL LER TUNER C2 3267 3268 4 5 7201 TELE9 TUNER IF VIDEO SYNC C4 3330 3329 17 18 7301 TDA8885 BOCMA ERR 22 ERR 23 ERR 24 ERR 21 1 2 0201 Error Device Description Def item Defect module indication Diag 1...

Страница 38: ... 3510 OUT IN 7911 L78L05 7912 MC78M05 3907 3910 9909 9980 9002 9908 16V 19V 16V 19V 4 Vf1 VS Vf11 22 1 2 24 5712 5708 5711 5707 5735 16V 19V 16V 19V 7700 TDA7490 16V 19V 4 Vf2 Vf21 22 1 2 24 5715 5722 5716 5723 VS 7702 TDA7490 3 1 1492 11D 11D FILAMENT PULSES FILAMENT LINE DEFLECTION PANEL ON CRT NECK A3 CRT DAF F1 AUTO SCAVEM F2 I VBATT SUP ENABLE 5400 5401 141V 5V2 11D HOT COLD LOT HOT COLD COLD...

Страница 39: ...0µs div SC3 1 V div DC 10µs div SC4 2 V div DC 10µs div SC5 2 V div DC 10µs div SC6 2 V div DC 10µs div SC7 2 V div DC 10µs div SC8 2 V div DC 10µs div SC9 2 V div DC 10µs div SC10 1 V div DC 10µs div SC11 200mV div DC 10µs div SC12 1 V div DC 10µs div SC13 50mV div DC 10µs div SC22 2 V div DC 10µs div SC23 2 V div DC 100µs div SC24 2 V div DC 100µs div A10 50V div DC 5us div PM3394B A11 5V div DC...

Страница 40: ... 10µs div L3 1 V div DC 10µs div L6 500mV div DC 10us div PM3394B L7 500mV div DC 10us div PM3394B L9 1V div DC 250ns div PM3394B L10 1V div DC 20us div L11 1V div DC 5ms div B28 1V div DC 20µs div PM3394B B29 1V div DC 20µs div PM3394B V28 1V div DC 10us div PM3394B V29 1V div DC 10us div PM3394B V30 1V div DC 10us div PM3394B F19 500mV div DC 5ms div PM3394B F18 500mV div DC 5ms div PM3394B F20 ...

Страница 41: ...SSING RES 139V 0043 D1 1500 B1 1501 A1 1502 C1 1503 A4 1505 C1 1510 F2 1550 D8 1590 C2 2501 C5 2502 E6 2503 A6 2504 B4 2505 F2 2506 E6 2507 B2 2508 B3 2509 A3 GND SUP 390R 3547 2m2 2512 I509 1505 1 2 I529 F500 160K 3507 47R 3525 F511 3540 33K 10n 2538 BZX79 C15 6505 I525 I560 BC847B 7530 I510 I532 F538 6534 BYV29F 400 F517 F527 F516 22n 2504 1K 3530 A3 I508 I540 83R 5509 I553 7504 0R39 3514 I561 I...

Страница 42: ...I155 A8 I157 D9 I158 E8 I160 A1 I161 A2 I162 A2 I163 A3 I164 B2 I165 C1 I166 C3 I148 B3 I149 B3 I150 C7 I151 C7 I119 C4 I120 C4 I121 D6 I122 C3 I123 C2 I124 C4 I125 C4 I172 A7 I173 A7 I176 C9 I180 B8 I181 B9 I182 B9 I184 E7 I185 B8 I186 A10 I187 A9 I188 A7 I189 A7 I191 C8 I192 C8 I193 D9 I194 A8 I195 C2 I196 D3 3147 2K2 BYD33D 6114 5K6 BAT254 6108 680R 3166 3127 F126 A20 I133 680R 3167 2102 10u I1...

Страница 43: ...ILAMENT PULSES 1 2 2400 D6 2401 E8 2402 D12 2405 G9 2417 B5 8 9 10 11 12 2418 B6 2419 C8 2420 B6 4 5 6 7 1 2 6464 BYW76 1R 3400 1498 I435 F412 I483 3441 22K 1K 3440 F424 22u 5466 2401 6n8 2469 3n3 GND SUP F434 BC847B I475 1n2 2420 7445 6408 BYD33D 47n 2414 3u6 5421 A25 A26 GND SUP BAS316 6401 I485 330R 3414 3437 10R 10K 3407 39R 3411 CE165T 5410 1 4 9 6 F404 3444 1R 680n 2432 F400 1 5465 7421 BU25...

Страница 44: ...636 GND SUP I602 MCL4148 6624 I622 I690 470R 3459 8K2 3487 I623 9482 6456 1 3 2 I697 STP3NB60 7480 BAV99 8Vb 8Vb EW DRIVE 8V S 8Vb 15V LOT FRAMEDRIVE HFB_X RAY PROT 8Vb 8Vb 8Vb 141V EW EW 8V S 8V S 13V LOT 141V 141V 13V LOT FRAMEDRIVE 11D 8Vb 8Vb SUP ENABLE CL 36532017_011 eps 230403 A33 500mV div DC 2ms div PM3394B A34 500mV div DC 2ms div PM3394B A35 500mV div DC 2ms div PM3394B A36 200mV div DC...

Страница 45: ...2 6080 MCL4148 10K 3683 100K 3682 7682 BC368 7681 BC847B 3681 470R 10K 3649 6K8 3684 BZX384 C15 6084 820R 3687 EH B 1620 1 2 3 I680 MP13 1601 125mA 11V_ROT I691 CL 36532017_012 eps 240403 A8 49 TILT A52 11V_ROT 11V_ROT A53 ROTATION COIL DEFLECTION TO 8204_000_8176 6 6084 C1 7680 B2 7681 D2 7682 D3 F630 B4 F631 C4 I681 D2 I682 D2 I683 B3 I684 D1 I685 B2 I687 C2 I688 E2 I691 C1 I699 D1 1620 C4 2601 ...

Страница 46: ...50 I713 I752 6701 BAS216 2713 470n 68u 5701 5707 83R 3751 2K2 2K2 3752 I723 2743 33n 2704 2758 680n I732 1n 3760 220K I726 I740 F715 F712 A59 I718 2720 10K 3793 F734 I748 220n I743 F717 5715 83R I763 4K7 3706 F708 22K 3746 100n I702 100n 2706 2763 330p I709 A60 2745 3744 100K 2781 220n 2710 470p I786 100n 2748 56K 3708 3704 10K 100K 3718 3749 470R 2722 3714 47K 2K7 3796 A63 470p 470R 3748 68K 3735...

Страница 47: ...2915 10u 1 2 3938 100R 1997 EH S PIP EH B 1935 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I945 EH B 1937 1 10 2 3 4 5 9251 9250 2K2 3211 15R 3213 1K 3210 100R 3212 7211 BC847B I906 I940 I935 I933 F930 2947 4u7 9906 9980 I951 I911 I927 1 2 3 4 5 I225 F909 EH B 1951 I907 2917 100n BC847B 7210 2940 100u 2929 220n I912 I905 I934 c002 9908 I932 I904 1n 2930 I232 9205 F916 I914 I921 2916 330p F918 6R8 3941 I941 I230 I950 9907 I...

Страница 48: ... CL 36532017_015 eps 140403 8204_000_8224 5 Large Signal Panel Front 2952 D2 9970 A3 9978 A2 I900 A2 I901 B2 I902 E2 I903 E2 I930 B3 3V3 PANEL TO 0345 A8 24 A8 27 5V2 0V 1 3V3 2 3 1 2 3 A B C D E A B C D E 1945 E3 1946 B2 1947 A2 TOP CONTROL MAINS A8 27 A8 24 0V 8V2 FRONT A8 25 2V 3V1 1949 B2 3 4 5 9973 B3 PANEL A8 25 SWITCH 0V NC TO 0241 A8 31 A8 24 0V NC 0V 1947 1 2 1945 1 2 3 1n 2952 9973 2 997...

Страница 49: ... A8 55 A8 53 F987 150R 3965 F981 F989 F993 100R 3987 BZX284 C12 6960 150R 3959 F986 3970 100R 1910 F998 1911 6A 7A 8A 9A I992 12A 13A 14A 15A 16A 17A 18A 19A 2A 20A 21A 3A 4A 5A 1901 A 1A 10A 11A F984 2998 100p I987 I999 6959 PDZ 6 8B F978 F983 2992 330p 75R 3985 3979 75R PDZ 6 8B 6962 I988 3980 100R 3994 1K 6951 PDZ 6 8B PDZ 6 8B 6958 6957 PDZ 6 8B 3967 75R 3962 150R 4 1 3976 100R 2990 330p 1902 ...

Страница 50: ...50 EM5 1E 7 Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts Layout Large Signal Panel Top Side TR 08005_001 3104_301_3772 6 CL36532017_045 eps 230403 ...

Страница 51: ...2 2931 F4 2940 F4 2941 F3 2942 G3 2943 G3 2944 E1 2945 F4 2946 F4 2947 G9 2948 F4 2949 F4 2950 G1 2951 G2 2952 G6 2985 F1 2987 F1 2988 F1 2989 F1 2990 E1 2991 E1 2992 E1 2993 D1 2994 D1 2995 E1 2996 E1 2997 D1 2998 D1 2999 D1 3101 C9 3102 D9 3103 D9 3104 D9 3105 D9 3106 E10 3107 E10 3108 D9 3109 G10 3110 C9 3111 D9 3113 E9 3114 E10 3115 F9 3116 G9 3117 D9 3118 D9 3120 E9 3121 E9 3122 E9 3123 F10 3...

Страница 52: ...t Diagrams and PWB Layouts Layout Large Signal Panel Overview Bottom Side 3104_301_3772 6 CL 36532017_046 eps 230403 PART 1 3 6532 017_46a eps PART 2 3 6532 017_46b eps PART 3 3 6532 017_46c eps PART 4 3 6532 017_46d eps ...

Страница 53: ...Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts 53 EM5 1E 7 Layout Large Signal Panel Part 1 Bottom Side CL 36532017_46a eps 170403 PART 1 ...

Страница 54: ...54 EM5 1E 7 Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts Layout Large Signal Panel Part 2 Bottom Side CL 36532017_46b eps 170403 PART 2 ...

Страница 55: ...Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts 55 EM5 1E 7 Layout Large Signal Panel Part 3 Bottom Side CL 36532017_46c eps 170403 PART 3 ...

Страница 56: ...56 EM5 1E 7 Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts Layout Large Signal Panel Part 4 Bottom Side CL 36532017_46d eps 170403 PART 4 ...

Страница 57: ... 73 F245 F223 F256 FEATURE BOX F260 B6 101 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 v30 F243 F269 F262 F253 B4 85 F274 B4 68 F273 VDP HIP TO 1205 F208 G H v1 G3 v2 G3 v3 G3 v4 G3 v5 G3 v6 G3 v7 G4 v8 G4 v9 G4 v10 G4 v11 G5 v12 G5 v13 G5 v14 G5 9949 v3 5915 600R v18 v26 9913 9905 9916 9937 v14 v16 v17 v48 v28 v49 v64 v32 9908 100n 2909 9921 9939 9941 v29 9920 v50 v11 0008 SOLDERLAND 1 v56 9935 BAS316 69...

Страница 58: ...10p 2355 3 7 8 470n 2403 3373 OFWK3953L 1408 A 2 2402 330p 1p5 2382 BC847BW 7402 1K 3474 68u 5417 1K 3473 9319 7411 BC847B 1SS356 6404 BC847BW 7401 15p 2381 F355 F440 3448 6K8 5405 6u8 5312 33u F402 9405 2423 10p 3456 4K7 4K7 3457 1411 SFSCC 1 2 3 9412 3420 1K F432 3301 100K 22n 2375 9406 6u8 5404 3415 10K 150p 2420 1410 A OFWK9656L 2 3 7 8 2412 4n7 2364 10p 4p7 2418 F417 3377 100R 470n 2417 F418 ...

Страница 59: ...12 24 DI13 22 DI14 21 DI15 20 DI16 19 DI17 97 DI20 98 DI21 99 DI22 2 DI23 4 3754 RES 100R 2878 100n 3730 680R 2769 100n 100n 2762 12p 2708 RES 1R 3753 F160 2777 100n 100R 3710 5744 2722 100p 1R 3734 F118 5701 1u 3725 100p 2721 2714 22p 3K3 27p 2881 3709 100R 2763 100n 100K 3718 F149 5713 YD3 105 YD4 106 YD5 107 YD6 108 YD7 YD8 109 2766 100n 69 YB6 68 YB7 67 YB8 122 YC0 YC1 121 120 YC2 119 YC3 118 ...

Страница 60: ...60 EM5 1E 7 Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts Small Signal Board Diversity Tables ...

Страница 61: ... YF0 159 158 YB1 YB2 157 YB3 156 YB4 155 YB5 154 YB6 152 YB7 151 YC0 2 YC1 3 YC2 4 YC3 5 YC4 6 YC5 7 YC6 8 YC7 9 YD0 59 VSS FL VSS G1 81 VSS G2 99 VSS K 143 VSS S 28 WE B 146 WE D 106 YA0 45 YA1 46 YA2 47 YA3 48 YA4 49 YA5 50 YA6 51 YA7 52 YB0 VSS 6 104 VSS 7 137 VSS A2 54 VSS AL 36 VSS B1 145 VSS B2 160 VSS C1 1 VSS C2 15 VSS CLK 80 VSS D2 120 VSS DI 105 VSS E1 121 VSS E2 135 VSS F2 78 VDD 2 22 V...

Страница 62: ...2806 2768 100n F756 RES 100n 2887 100n 2826 F720 F763 12p 5727 2725 2812 100n 2853 100n F769 5721 2716 100n 2860 100n RES 5723 3820 75R 2814 100n 9718 100n 2847 100n 2734 2864 100n 2851 100n 2717 12p F760 10u 2770 7729 BFS20 2884 100n F759 2865 100n 2p2 2815 5726 100n 2846 9741 B 10R 2 7 100n 2855 9747 75R 3823 75R 3822 9741 C 10R 3 6 8V_CON 100n 2822 7731 BFS20 100n 2712 47K 3711 2833 100n 100n 2...

Страница 63: ...15 DEC 18 GND 13 12 2 10 23 24 1 68K 3305 6308 MCL4148 1K 3363 2334 2u2 5307 100MHZ BAV99 6321 3321 100R PDZ 6 8B 6302 6309 BAS316 F360 6319 BAS316 10K 3364 100n 2343 F357 F348 3322 1K 9302 F17 6320 BAV99 BAV99 6322 7306 BC847BW 10p 2345 100n 2313 BAS316 6316 PMBT2369 7315 10p 2349 BC847BW 7310 9303 7361 PDTC144EU F333 F349 3326 100K RES F353 2395 100n 100MHZ 5304 220R 3367 7312 PDTC144EU 3360 100...

Страница 64: ...100n 7003 BC847BW 3004 15K 2023 100R 3054 B 2 7 3V3_INTOTC 100R 3057 C 3 6 B60 3013 10K 3035 C 100R 3 6 F061 F007 2014 150p 2035 82p F066 3066 47K 100R 3012 A 1 8 470R 3097 82p 2034 3050 B 100R 2 7 2009 BC857BW 7014 F024 3V3_INTOTC 10K 3062 100R 3034 C 3 6 3V3_INTOTC 9007 3015 470K F050 F026 5V2_CON F085 F083 F057 8 9 3019 4K7 100R 3046 A 1401 1 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 100R 3012 C 3 6 27K F064 10p 2055 302...

Страница 65: ...n 3571 100R 3659 7668 BC857BW F611 150K 22K 3555 22K 3628 100p 2588 1K 3670 1n 2687 A A 9692 2601 1u 120K 3602 F631 470p 2659 100p 2558 100p 2556 BC847BS 7675 B 1n 2594 100p 2585 5669 100MHZ 2584 100p 3547 47K 100MHZ 5665 3652 22K B74 470p 2664 2566 1n 3686 22K 2679 100n 9522 9608 8V_AUD F697 22K 3694 7675 A BC847BS F628 100R 3570 150K 3626 3699 180K F673 3663 180R 3656 100R 3640 100R 3641 100R F6...

Страница 66: ... C4 2064 C2 2065 D2 2066 A3 2067 E2 3022 A2 3028 B3 B1 B10 ANTI MOIRE RES 3030 B4 3032 B3 3038 10K B5 170 BC847BW 7017 7018 BC847BW 7019 BC847BW BC847BW 7020 470R 3032 6006 BAS316 3071 10K 1K2 3030 4K7 3028 1K5 3043 2K2 3037 2K7 3060 2067 100n F096 F095 F097 F090 F094 F093 F091 F092 10K 3070 39K 3022 2063 47n 2065 100n 2064 22n 8204_000_8129 7 2066 47n 5V_CON 5V_CON 5V_CON 22n 2062 3036 2K7 6007 1...

Страница 67: ...11 B5 3512 B4 3513 B4 3514 C4 2578 1n 6661 C8 7681 A C6 7681 B A6 7682 B4 7684 A C6 7684 B E6 2521 100n F506 A 2522 470p 100n 2524 1n 2526 2531 100p A 3500 15K 100n 2528 2523 1n 7681 B MC33178D 5 6 7 8 4 F500 F503 2520 100n A 7684 A BC847BPN 3543 47K A 3506 100K 3538 3541 220R 100K 3537 470K 47K 3535 5V_AUD A 3K9 3516 100p 2532 8204_000_8128 8 A A 220R 3536 7684 B BC847BPN 7685 B BC847BPN 1u 2529 ...

Страница 68: ...46 E3 3347 E3 3348 E3 3349 D2 3353 E3 3361 D3 3363 D2 3370 E2 3371 E2 3372 E2 3373 D1 3374 D1 3375 D1 3376 D2 3377 D2 3379 D1 3381 D1 3387 D2 3388 E3 3389 D1 3390 E3 3393 D2 3394 D2 3395 D3 3396 D2 3397 D2 3398 D2 3399 E3 3400 E3 3402 D2 3404 E1 3406 D1 3409 D1 3411 D1 3412 D2 3416 E1 3418 D1 3423 E1 3433 D1 3436 E1 3437 D1 3439 E1 3442 E2 3443 E2 3444 E2 3447 E2 3448 E2 3449 E2 3460 D2 3461 D2 34...

Страница 69: ...Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts 69 EM5 1E 7 Layout Small Signal Board Part 1 Top Side PART 1 CL 36532023_35a eps 140403 ...

Страница 70: ...70 EM5 1E 7 Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts Layout Small Signal Board Part 2 Top Side CL 36532017_35b eps 240403 PART 2 ...

Страница 71: ...3360 E2 3362 D3 3364 D3 3365 E3 3366 D3 3367 D3 3368 D2 3378 D3 3380 D3 3382 E4 3385 E4 3386 E2 3391 E3 3401 D4 3403 E4 3405 E3 3407 D4 3408 D3 3410 D4 3414 D3 3415 D3 3417 D4 3419 E4 3420 D3 3421 D4 3434 D4 3435 E4 3441 D3 3445 D4 3446 E3 3450 D3 3451 E4 3452 E3 3453 D2 3454 D2 3455 D2 3456 D3 3457 D3 3459 D2 3463 D3 3465 E2 3467 E2 3468 E3 3470 E2 3471 E2 3473 E4 3474 E4 3475 D3 3500 D2 3501 E2 ...

Страница 72: ...72 EM5 1E 7 Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts Layout Small Signal Board Part 1 Bottom Side PART 1 CL 36532023_36a eps 140403 ...

Страница 73: ...Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts 73 EM5 1E 7 Layout Small Signal Board Part 2 Bottom Side PART 2 CL 36532023_36b eps 140403 ...

Страница 74: ...4834 D2 5816 G7 5818 G7 5827 G10 5834 F10 5839 B7 5848 C5 5849 D5 5851 D5 5853 D5 6801 A11 6802 B3 6XXX A7 7801 D9 7802 C2 7803 G3 7804 B3 7805 A5 7806 A6 7807 E4 7808 F2 7809 G1 7810 G5 7824 D3 7828 D5 7829 A9 7832 A7 7871 B10 7874 B11 787 789 789 789 789 789 6XXX MCL4148 100n 2XXX 3XXX 3K3 3XXX 10K 3856 BC847BW 7895 10K 3857 4834 4K7 3858 4822 680R 3804 220R 3803 BC847BW 7806 3802 680R 3801 220R...

Страница 75: ...2269 D5 3263 A2 3264 A2 3265 B2 3267 D3 3268 D3 3270 C2 5261 B1 7201 B4 F2 0255 1 F1 15 6 8 SCL 4 SDA 5 VSPLL 7 VST 9 VT 2 7201 TEDH9X700A AGC 1 AS 3 IF1 11 IF2 GND 10 12 13 14 5u6 5261 100u 2261 47n 2269 1n 2262 3270 4K7 3265 3K9 3263 100u 2265 3267 100R 10K 3264 SCL SDA AGC 33V IF TER 5VS 100R 3268 C 2 CL 16532043_041 eps 240403 F1 1V div DC 20µs div F2 200mV div DC 20µs div Personal Notes ...

Страница 76: ...Y1 1 Y1 15 Z 4 Z 7401 B HEF4053BT 6 E 10 S 16 Vdd 7 Vee 8 Vss Y0 2 7401 C HEF4053BT 6 E 9 S 16 Vdd 7 Vee 8 Vss 5 Y0 3 Y1 7401 A HEF4053BT 6 E 11 S 16 Vdd 7 Vee 8 Vss 12 Y0 13 Y1 14 Z 470R 3438 BC847BW 4437 7438 390R 3439 3437 4K7 RES 7435 390R 3436 4434 1SS355 6436 BC636 4K7 3434 4K7 3453 7434 4K7 3451 3452 4K7 3457 4K7 4K7 3456 100u 2434 100n 2436 100n 2431 100R 3432 2432 100n 3431 100R 2 3 4 5 6...

Страница 77: ...LIN 34 BLKIN 30 38 BL 1 BL 2 44 B 1 37 B 2 43 C3 20 CVBS1OUT 54 CVBS2OUT BOCMA 26 CVBSINT DR 3 EHTO 62 EW DRIVE 57 FBISO 25 GND1 61 GND2 56 H DRIVE 5 IREF 14 LPST UP 59 PH1LF 58 PH2LF 4 VCS 53 VP2 11 SECPLL 28 SIF1 8 SIF2 9 SIFAGC 10 VIDEO SIF 12 VP1 23 TDA8885 7301 C 63 DR 64 7301 A TDA8885 AGCOUT 7 DECBG 55 DECDIG 50 GND 6 IFIN1 1 IFIN2 2 IFVO 16 27 IFVO AUDOUT PLLIF 15 QSSO AMOUT 2351 10n 6u8 5...

Страница 78: ...78 EM5 1E 7 Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts Layout Double Window Panel Top View CL 16532043_096 eps 280601 Layout Double Window Panel Bottom View CL 16532043_095 eps 250601 ...

Страница 79: ...2 F002 A2 F003 B2 F004 B2 F005 B2 F006 B2 F007 B2 F008 B1 F009 B2 F010 A8 F011 A8 F012 A9 F013 A9 F014 C9 I003 B8 I004 E3 I005 D3 TOP CONTROL I006 C7 I007 E5 I008 F6 I009 B3 I010 B3 I011 B3 I012 B7 I013 B4 I014 B5 I015 E9 I016 E8 I017 E8 I018 F9 I019 F10 I020 B6 I021 A5 ROHM RECEIVER 9050 6070 BPW46 3071 4M7 I021 I019 1 2 3 0245 EH S F014 F015 330R 3040 3998 1K I001 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I004 0241 1 2 I00...

Страница 80: ...A1 9004 A2 9096 A2 9097 C1 9098 B1 9099 B1 CL 36532008_058 eps 230403 Layout Mains Switch Panel FL11 Styling Bottom Side 3104_303_3874 1 2070 A1 2080 A1 3040 A2 3041 A1 3042 A2 3043 A1 3050 A2 3051 A2 3052 A2 3053 A2 3054 A2 3060 A1 3061 A2 3062 A2 3063 A2 3064 A2 3070 A2 3071 A1 3072 A1 3073 A1 3074 A1 3075 A1 3078 A1 3079 A1 3080 A1 3081 A1 7060 A1 7061 A2 7081 A1 9000 A1 9005 A2 9006 B2 9007 A1...

Страница 81: ...KQNAB 1010 1 2 3 3053 560R 1K 3050 2070 220n OUT 2 VS TO 3M3 3030 9041 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A 8V6 N C 0202 A10 3078 E10 3079 E9 3999 A9 6050 B4 6051 B5 6070 E7 7070 A D8 7070 B E9 9010 C8 9040 E4 9041 E4 9042 E5 9043 E5 9050 C5 only for AP 0241 B1 0245 D1 1010 C8 1031 A8 1040 E3 2040 E2 2070 D8 2071 E8 3010 C8 3030 A7 3037 A8 3040 D2 3041 E5 3042 E5 3043 E5 6 7 3M3 3037 9010 0201 2040 100u ...

Страница 82: ...tyling Bottom Side CL 26532086_008 eps 050702 0201 A2 0202 B2 0241 A2 0245 A1 1010 B1 1031 B1 1040 A1 2040 A1 2070 A1 2071 A1 3010 A1 3030 A2 3037 A2 3040 A1 3041 A1 3042 A1 3043 A1 3050 A1 3051 A1 3052 A1 3053 A1 3054 A1 3070 A1 3071 A1 3072 A1 3073 A1 3074 A1 3075 A1 3078 A1 3079 A1 3999 A2 6050 A1 6051 A1 6070 A1 7070 A1 9001 A1 9004 A1 9005 A1 9006 A1 9007 A1 9008 A1 9010 A1 9040 A1 9041 A1 90...

Страница 83: ...470R 3527 F018 9301 H1 1237 G 10 9308 I292 I203 GND_RGB 470R 3532 2318 22n 3305 1R 1237 B 5 3404 3536 220R GND 2324 BC857B 7505 GND_SSB F124 3999 1K2 GND_RGB 9504 820R 3534 I240 BC847B 7507 I246 I294 1K 3334 F020 9305 9401 9303 9304 3547 100R 8204_000_6570 3 5304 50R 470R 3521 GND_RGB 2347 470u GND_RGB 3401 100R 1N4148 6428 9 I269 F017 H1 1298 F RES 3349 1K H2 1237 H 11 1K2 3531 F110 BAS321 6305 3...

Страница 84: ...9 BCP56 3460 22R I133 2435 22n I135 3411 56K I129 I175 GND_Y I180 9410 I132 GND_X GND_X 56K 3412 1 10 3 5 6 9406 4R7 3423 5300 S13974 I163 I157 BAS316 6404 I162 3K3 3456 4R7 3422 I142 I145 BAS316 6403 1R 3473 I158 1 2 3 GND_RGB I128 1483 2445 10p I167 100R 3465 I179 GND_X 22u 2436 BCP53 7430 I144 1K2 3471 GND_X I137 3410 470R GND_Y I143 8204_000_6570 3 I185 I187 I184 I186 I183 7428 BC857B I182 I13...

Страница 85: ...3340 B2 3341 B1 3345 B1 3346 B4 3347 B4 3348 B4 3349 B4 3350 A2 3351 A1 3352 A2 3401 B2 3402 B1 3403 B2 3404 B1 3473 C3 3478 C2 3510 A2 3520 A1 3530 A2 3544 A1 5300 C1 5301 C2 5303 B4 5304 B2 5308 A4 5309 C1 5310 C1 5400 B1 5500 A4 5501 A3 5502 A3 6400 B2 6405 B2 6406 A2 6426 A2 6427 A1 6428 A2 6503 B4 7330 A2 7340 A1 7350 A2 9304 A2 9309 A1 9311 C1 9312 C1 9320 C4 9321 B4 9407 A4 9416 B1 9417 C3 ...

Страница 86: ... A2 3511 A1 3512 A2 3513 A2 3514 A2 3515 A3 3516 A3 3517 A3 3518 A2 3519 A2 3521 A2 3522 A2 3523 A2 3524 A2 3525 A2 3526 A2 3527 A2 3528 A2 3529 A3 3531 A2 3532 A2 3533 A2 3534 A2 3535 A2 3536 A1 3537 A2 3538 A1 3539 A1 3540 A1 3541 A1 3542 A2 3543 A2 3545 A1 3546 A2 3547 A2 3999 A4 5305 A1 6301 A3 6302 A3 6303 A4 6305 A3 6306 A4 6307 A3 6401 C2 6402 C3 6403 C4 6404 C2 6407 A3 6420 A3 6421 A4 6422...

Страница 87: ...302 A5 2304 A8 2306 C6 2307 B8 3334 H10 3335 E5 3336 F5 3337 E5 3420 A10 3421 A10 3422 A10 3423 B10 3424 B10 3425 B10 3426 C10 3427 D10 3999 F2 5300 B11 41V 3V 3V 0V TO 2332 C2 2333 C2 2334 D2 2336 H7 2407 G6 2408 H7 2409 C7 2410 B3 2411 B5 3355 A9 3356 B12 3357 C9 3358 C2 6305 E7 6306 E7 6307 F7 6310 F6 6401 H5 7300 A6 7301 A7 7302 A10 7303 C10 7304 C7 2V5 CRT PANEL 0V 5V6 1V8 FROM 0V 3308 B8 331...

Страница 88: ...2403 A1 2404 A1 2405 A1 2406 B2 2407 B2 2422 B2 2423 C2 3300 B1 3301 C1 3323 C1 3329 C2 3334 A3 3338 A1 3339 A2 3340 A2 3341 A1 3342 A2 3345 A3 3347 A2 3349 A3 3350 A2 3351 A2 3352 A2 3370 B3 3401 B1 3402 B2 3403 B1 3404 B1 3405 C1 3416 B1 3419 C1 5300 C3 5302 C3 5303 C3 5400 A1 6401 A1 7307 A2 9300 A3 9301 B1 9302 B1 9303 C1 9304 A3 9306 A1 9307 B3 9310 C3 9311 C3 9312 B3 9313 A3 9314 B1 9315 B2 ...

Страница 89: ...03 B3 3304 C2 3306 B2 3307 B3 3308 C2 3310 C1 3311 B3 3312 C3 3316 C2 3318 C2 3319 C2 3324 C2 3325 B1 3335 A1 3336 A1 3337 A1 3354 A1 3355 C2 3356 C1 3357 C2 3358 A1 3359 A1 3360 A1 3410 B1 3411 B1 3412 B1 3413 B1 3414 B1 3417 B3 3418 B1 3420 C2 3421 C2 3422 C2 3423 C1 3424 C2 3425 B2 3426 B2 3427 B2 3999 C3 6300 C3 6301 C3 6305 A2 6306 A2 6307 A2 6310 A1 7300 C3 7301 B3 7302 C2 7303 B1 7304 C3 73...

Страница 90: ...493 B2 5430 A3 318 A1 1430 A3 2430 B3 2431 B4 2493 B2 1 2 4 3 9493 5493 CU15 68n 2493 BY228 20 6431 BYD33V 6433 2431 470p 6432 BYD33V 470p 2430 6430 BY228 20 2 MP 400mA 1430 5430 1 2 317 1 318 CL 26532041_034 eps 180402 I CL 26532041_049 eps 180402 317 A3 318 A2 1430 A2 2430 A2 2431 A1 2493 A3 5430 A1 5493 A3 6430 A2 6431 A2 6432 A2 6433 A2 9493 A3 Personal Notes ...

Страница 91: ...1 GND GND_VID I544 F533 75R 100R 3545 GND_VID1 GND_VID 3542 6501 BZX284 C6V8 H5 GND GND_AUD GND H6 150R 3518 I521 F532 I518 I530 I546 3521 100R I554 I527 I503 F535 GND_VID GND_VID GND_VID 8V 3517 150R I563 I539 I522 GND_AUD GND_VID GND_VID F504 I545 6510 BZX384 C6V8 F502 I500 9525 9533 GND_VID I2C_MUTE 5V 6502 BZX284 C6V8 BC847B 6K8 3508 7503 BC857B 7509 2511 100n F518 100R 3544 F514 I526 F501 GND...

Страница 92: ...514 C1 3515 C2 3516 C2 3517 C2 3518 B1 3519 C1 3520 C1 3521 C1 3522 B2 3523 B2 3524 B1 3525 B1 3526 A1 3527 C2 3528 C2 3529 A1 3530 A1 3531 A1 3532 A1 3533 A2 3534 A1 3535 A1 3538 A2 3539 B1 3540 A2 3541 B1 3542 A2 3543 B2 3544 A2 3545 A1 3546 C1 3999 C1 6500 A1 6501 A1 6502 A1 6503 A1 6504 B1 6505 B1 6506 A2 6507 B1 6509 B1 6510 B1 6511 B2 6512 A2 7501 C1 7502 C1 7503 C1 7504 C2 7505 C2 7506 B2 7...

Страница 93: ... 330p 3826 4K7 330p 2814 1n 2800 9803 I1 I3 1417 1 2 15R 3807 3808 22R 3809 10R 3818 4K7 1K8 3832 9800 2890 270p 2812 10n 1419 1 2 7821 BC857B 7822 BC847B 7818 BC847B 3831 4K7 3833 4K7 3810 470K 7823 BC857B 9804 1492 1 2 3897 1R 1490 1 1418 1 2 CU15 5801 1 2 4 3 3811 4M7 3824 4K7 3816 4K7 2816 220p 2821 68n 1 2 4 3 BYD33V 6810 2322592 3899 CU15 5810 2824 10u 3898 2322592 3819 4K7 7820 BC847B 3820 ...

Страница 94: ...24 B3 2825 B3 2890 A3 2891 A3 2892 A3 3805 A3 3807 C3 3808 C3 3809 B3 3810 B3 3811 B3 3812 C3 3813 C3 3814 B3 3815 B3 3816 C3 3897 A2 3898 A3 3899 A3 3998 B1 5800 A2 5801 A1 5810 B2 6810 C2 6812 B3 7810 B3 9800 B3 9803 A2 9804 A2 9805 A3 Layout VDAF Panel Bottom Side CL 26532041_053 eps 180402 2818 B1 3818 B1 3819 A1 3820 A1 3821 A1 3822 A1 3823 B1 3824 B1 3826 B1 3827 B1 3828 B1 3830 B1 3831 B1 3...

Страница 95: ... 9810 B6 Y DETECT HEADPHONE OUT L C 0333 DETECT L GND GND 16 9 Y C FROM TO 1936 OF LSP SSP GND SIDE I O OF 6808 BZX284 C6V8 GND_AUD GNDB GND_AUD GNDB GND_AUD 2807 220n 3999 150R GND_AUD 6804 BZX284 C10 6801 BZX284 C6V8 6806 BZX284 C10 3810 680K 3849 3K3 1803 6805 BZX284 C10 2804 100p 1805 2834 10n GNDB 3809 3829 120R GNDB RES SDM EMG_S 4804 GNDB GNDB GNDB 3811 GNDB 3846 10K 1 2 39K YKB21 5101A 132...

Страница 96: ...1 3999 A1 5800 A1 9800 B1 9802 A1 9803 A1 9810 A1 Layout Side I O Panel FL11 Styling Bottom Side CL 26532041_055 eps 180402 2803 B1 2804 B1 2805 B1 2806 B1 2807 C1 2810 C1 2832 A1 2834 A1 2840 A1 2841 A1 3801 C1 3805 B1 3806 B1 3808 C1 3809 C1 3810 C1 3811 B1 3812 C1 3813 B1 3814 B1 3815 C1 3816 C1 3845 C1 3846 C1 3847 C1 3848 C1 3849 C1 4800 B1 4801 B1 4802 A1 4803 A1 4804 B1 6801 C1 6802 C1 6803...

Страница 97: ... C D E A B 2286 A3 OF TO 1936 2288 A3 2292 B3 2294 C3 2296 E2 2297 E3 3285 A3 3286 A3 3287 A3 3288 A3 3289 B2 3291 B2 3292 B2 3293 C2 3294 C3 3295 D3 3296 E2 C Y 1 2 3 6293 6292 6294 SG07 75R 3285 4202 1K 3293 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0240 EH B 1 10 2292 470p SG04 3291 1K 47K 3294 100R 470p 2294 10K 3296 5 10 4 9 6 11 1255 B YKC21 5599 4 SG01 47K 4201 100R 3292 3286 2 7 3 8 1 1K8 YKF51 5347 1256 A 2288 ...

Страница 98: ...98 EM5 1E 7 Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts Layout Side I O Panel PV2 Styling Top Side CL 06532012_024 eps 040200 Layout Side I O Panel PV2 Styling Bottom Side CL 06532012_025 eps 040200 ...

Страница 99: ... D3 1705 D2 3001 E1 3002 E1 3003 E1 3004 E1 GND_KEYBOARD 1 3007 E2 3008 D2 3009 E3 3010 D3 3011 E3 3012 C3 3013 C3 3999 D4 TOP CONTROL MG 2 3 4 A B C KEYBOARD FROM TO FROM TO 3002 3K3 4006 0346 1 2 3 0345 1 2 3 3012 560R 3013 3001 390R 390R 3010 560R 4005 3008 270R 4003 4001 3011 620R 4002 4004 3009 1K1 3K3 3007 1PS76SB10 6005 3005 2K 1K5 3006 CHANNEL CHANNEL 1703 1705 1704 3004 1K5 MENU 3003 200R...

Страница 100: ... A2 4092 A2 4093 A2 4094 A3 6091 B4 6092 B4 6093 B3 7091 D3 0217 1 2 3 10n 2010 6091 BAT254 1 RT 01T 1090 3087 200R 3086 390R 3088 3089 1K1 4089 4090 3090 4093 4094 4091 4092 2020 2019 3098 3K3 BAT254 6093 3097 1K5 6092 BAT85 1095 2017 1u 2014 1n 1u 2018 2012 100n 47u 2011 4R7 3010 47u 2015 3 VIN 5 VIN 100n 2013 1n 2016 NJM2110M 7091 6 AMPNFB 7 AMPOUT 2 EXTMICV 4 GND 1 MICV 8 V 470R 3012 0216 1 2 ...

Страница 101: ...00 E7 2502 F7 2503 I6 2504 K6 2600 H3 2602 I3 2605 G11 2606 I13 2607 H3 2608 J12 3000 B7 3002 C7 3004 D7 3006 B7 3008 C7 3010 C7 12 13 3138 1K 7014 BF824 1K 3131 15R 3064 3130 1K 7402 BFS20 2020 22n 3220 15K 2018 10p 1K 3136 7003 3122 1K 1K 3121 BC847B 3134 1K 1K 3135 3127 1K 5u6 5600 7032 BFS20 3010 4K7 2504 100n 7022 BFS20 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EH B 1940 1 10 11 100u 2208 GND_RGB 3600 1R 7030 BFS20 30...

Страница 102: ...B2 3074 B1 3076 B2 3078 B1 3080 B2 3082 B2 3084 A2 3086 A2 3088 B2 3090 A2 3091 A1 3092 A2 3093 A2 3094 A2 3096 A2 3106 A2 3108 A2 3110 A2 3112 A2 3114 A2 3116 A2 3118 A2 3120 A2 3121 A1 3122 A1 3123 A1 3124 A1 3125 A1 3126 A1 3127 A1 3128 A1 3129 A1 3130 A1 3131 A1 3132 A1 3133 A1 3134 A1 3135 A1 3136 A1 3137 A1 3138 A1 3200 A1 3202 A1 3204 A2 3206 A2 3208 A2 3210 A1 3212 A2 3214 A2 3216 A1 3218 ...

Страница 103: ...athode drive peak white white drive etc 8 2 Hardware Alignments Note The Service Alignment Mode SAM is described in chapter 5 of the Service Manual Menu navigation is done with the CURSOR UP DOWN LEFT or RIGHT keys of the remote control RC transmitter Figure 8 1 Top view LSP 8 2 1 Vg2 Adjustment In the frame blanking period of the R G and B signals applied to the CRT the HOP video processor insert...

Страница 104: ...ct via ALIGNMENTS one of the sub menus They are explained below in the sequence of the sub menus Notes All changes to menu items and alignments are stored automatically except the option codes They must be stored manually If the OPTION CODES have been changed and stored the set has to be switched OFF and ON using the mains switch to activate the new settings when switching via Standby the option c...

Страница 105: ...thode parameter for the colour analyser readings 3 Select a COLOUR TEMPERATURE COOL NORMAL or WARM 4 Adjust the white level via RED GREEN and BLUE according to the values in table White levels Table 8 2 Cathode parameter Table 8 3 White levels Method 2 without colour analyser Without having a colour analyser one can set some parameters This is the next best solution The setting parameters are aver...

Страница 106: ...y in wide screen mode is out of tolerance add a DC shift correction panel 3104 328 06230 to connector 1419 of the DAF panel diagram I On the DC shift panel cut diode 6433 for correction to the right or diode 6432 for correction to the left Caution Be sure to switch OFF the set first Never plug in a not pre aligned module in a playing set EAST WEST ALIGNMENT 1 Use EAST WEST PARABOLA to align the ve...

Страница 107: ...NS Select this sub menu to set the initialisation codes options of the set via text menu s Figure 8 4 Dealer options overview CL 36532021_014 eps 310303 Menu name Subjects Options Physically in set Yes Video mute active when there is no signal detected Picture Mute No Noise when there is no signal detected Yes TV starts up with language selection menu Virgin Mode No TV does not start up with langu...

Страница 108: ...2D Combfilter No Feature not present Yes LTP TOPIC present Picture improvement No LTP TOPIC not present Yes Feature present Auto Scavem No Feature not present Yes For 16 9 sets Video repro Signalling bits No For 4 3 sets None Set without Dolby Pro Logic Set with Dolby ProLogic Dolby Virtual Sets with Virtual Dolby Speakerless Virtual Dolby without rear speakers Rear speakers Cordless Wireless acti...

Страница 109: setting To be certain that the factory settings are reproduced exactly you must set both option number lines You can find the correct option numbers on a CRT sticker inside the TV set Example The CRT sticker gives the following option numbers 04187 08526 50001 00000 04182 00001 00000 00070 The first line group 1 indicates options 1 to 4 the second line group 2 options 5 to 8 see tables below Ev...

Страница 110: ... Off US 8192 On EU 14 2 15 EPG Version 0 Off US 16384 Text guide only 32768 NexTView 2C3 EU 49152 NexTView 2 Sum OB2 decimal 0 n a 0 1 n a 0 2 AV4 2fH 0 Off 4 On not selectable 3 AV3 2fH 0 Off 8 On not selectable 4 Dual Screen 0 Off 16 On 5 n a 0 6 TXT EPG DS 0 Off 64 On 7 n a 0 8 Aspect Ratio 0 4 3 256 16 9 9 Tilt 0 Off 512 On 10 Monitor 0 Off 1024 Reserved for FTV 11 Integrated Radio 0 Off 2048 ...

Страница 111: ...EM5 1 On 1 EXT 2fH 1 EU 0 Off EM5 2 On 2 EXT 2fH 2 EU 0 Off 4 On 3 EXT VGA EU 0 Off 8 On 4 EXT DVI EU 0 Off 16 On 5 EXT3 EU 0 Off 32 On 6 n a 0 7 n a 0 8 n a 0 9 AV 2fH 1 non EU 0 Off 512 On 10 AV 2fH 2 non EU 0 Off 1024 On 11 AV VGA non EU 0 Off 2048 On 12 AV DVI non EU 0 Off 4096 On 13 n a 0 14 n a 0 7 15 n a 0 Sum OB7 decimal 0 1 2 3 Cabinet 0 FL6 1 FL7 2 FL8 3 FL9 DAS 4 FL9 Monitor 5 FL10 6 FL...

Страница 112: ...ties being TXT control video and audio decoding feature box video featuring and sync geometry control The LSP single sided is built up very conventional with hardly any surface mounted components on the copper side Similar with the EM3 but different as with the MG chassis the EM5 LSP has a very large hot part including both deflection coils The SSB is a high tech module four layer 2 sides reflow t...

Страница 113: ...signals from the PICNIC then fed to the HOP High end Output Processor This IC handles the video control and geometry part The RGB signals for TXT OSD from the microprocessor are also inserted via the HOP The video part delivers the RGB signals to the CRT panel and the geometry part delivers the H drive V drive and a drive signal for rotation Both deflection circuits are hot and located on the LSP ...

Страница 114: ...ther Flash RAM 7012 is for EPG and the DRAM is used for storing the Teletext pages There is a separate Standby Supply in order to reduce the Standby power consumption During Standby the Main Supply is switched off via TS7529 A relay 1550 is used to switch the degaussing circuit It is switched on after set start up and switched off by the P after 12 s The Main Supply an SMPS based on the down conve...

Страница 115: ...If the picture between the two tuners needs to be swapped then the tuners RF frequencies are swapped TUNER 7201 1352 4 5 1 11 IF RGB YUV INPUT2 RGB YUV MATRIX COLOUR DECODING SYNC RBG YUV MATRIX YUV INTERFACE RGB INPUT1 RGB OUTPUT DOUBLE WINDOW PROCESSOR IC7801 SAB9081H TDA8887H IC7301 BOCMA 7803 TDA8601 1333 4305 PIP AUDIO PIP AUDIO 12 11 10 6 7 8 8 12 10 10 6 8 9 2 3 4 4 3 1 0205 Y MAIN OUT U MA...

Страница 116: ...the main video processor When DW mode is active the compressed YUV signals main and sub pictures are used and fed to the main video processor During the PIP mode only sub picture YUV signals are used The insertion control is made possible by a fast blanking signal from pin 68 of IC7801 9 3 5 Power supplies The power supplies used by the DW panel are from the main board 5 V 8 V and 33 V for tuner o...

Страница 117: ...ut Processor video sync and geometry controller of HP Headphone Interlaced Scan mode where two fields are used to form one frame Each field contains half the number of the total amount of lines The fields are written in pairs causing line flicker Last Status The settings last chosen by the customer read and stored in RAM or in the NVM They are called at start up of the set to configure it accordin...

Страница 118: ...ulse coming from the feature box VL Variable Level out processed audio output towards external amplifier WYSIWYR What You See Is What You Record record selection that follows main picture and sound X RAY PROT A protection signal for too high X ray radiation XTAL Quartz crystal Y100 Y from Feature Box Y OUT Luminance signal to HOP IC YUV Feat The YUV input for the main picture coming from the Featu...

Страница 119: ...RSTRY 203 REY 204 FALREF 205 REFIN 206 WEYUV_G 207 VDDA 208 VDDC 1 VSS 2 VDDA 3 UVF0 4 UVF1 5 UVF2 6 UVF3 7 UVF4 8 UVF5 9 UVF6 10 UVF7 11 VSS 12 VDDC13 YF0 14 YF1 15 YF2 16 YF3 17 YF4 18 YF5 19 YF6 20 YF7 21 VSS 22 VDDC 23 VDDA 24 VSS 25 SNCK 26 SNRST 27 HD28 VD29 INTR1 30 VA 31 SNDA 32 HREF 33 TRST 34 TMS 35 VDDC 36 VDDC 37 VSS 38 VSS 39 VDDA 40 VSS 41 TDI 42 TDO 43 TCK 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52...

Страница 120: ...4822 121 70162 10nF 5 400V 2154 4822 126 14549 33nF 16V 0603 2200 4822 124 40248 10µF 20 63V 2201 4822 126 13879 220nF 20 16V 2202 4822 126 13473 220nF 80 20 50V 2203 4822 124 80195 470µF 20 10V 2400 4822 124 11575 47µF 20 160V 2401 4822 121 42077 6 8nF 10 400V 2402 2020 012 93596 22µF 20 250V 2402 2020 012 93771 33µF 20 250V 2402 4822 124 12373 47µF 20 250V 2403 2238 916 15641 22nF 10 25V 0603 24...

Страница 121: ...0 062W 3153 4822 051 20472 4 7kΩ 5 0 1W 3155 4822 051 30101 100Ω 5 0 062W 3156 5322 117 13017 100Ω 1 0 063W 0603 3157 4822 051 30103 10kΩ 5 0 062W 3158 5322 117 13021 47Ω 1 0 063W 0603 3159 4822 051 30103 10kΩ 5 0 062W 3160 4822 051 30102 1kΩ 5 0 062W 3161 4822 052 10221 220Ω 5 0 33W 3162 4822 116 83883 470Ω 5 0 5W 3164 4822 117 13632 100kΩ 1 0603 0 62W 3165 4822 051 30331 330Ω 5 0 062W 3168 4822 ...

Страница 122: ...1 20561 560Ω 5 0 1W 3904 4822 052 10688 6Ω8 5 0 33W 3907 4822 051 20479 47Ω 5 0 1W 3910 4822 117 12521 68Ω 1 0 1W 3928 4822 051 30008 Jumper 0603 3938 4822 117 11373 100Ω 1 0805 3939 4822 051 30103 10kΩ 5 0 062W 3940 4822 051 20561 560Ω 5 0 1W 3941 4822 052 10688 6Ω8 5 0 33W 3942 4822 117 11373 100Ω 1 0805 3943 4822 051 30103 10kΩ 5 0 062W 3945 4822 117 12955 2 7kΩ 1 0 1W 0805 3959 4822 117 10353 ...

Страница 123: ...B10 6615 4822 130 11397 BAS316 6616 4822 130 11397 BAS316 6617 4822 130 11397 BAS316 6618 4822 130 11397 BAS316 6619 4822 130 41601 BYV95A 6619 4822 130 42488 BYD33D 6620 5322 130 31938 BYV27 200 6621 4822 130 41601 BYV95A 6621 4822 130 42488 BYD33D 6622 5322 130 32296 BZV85 C10 6622 5322 130 33635 BZV85 C8V2 6623 4822 130 11397 BAS316 6624 4822 130 11397 BAS316 6625 4822 130 11397 BAS316 6626 482...

Страница 124: ...5V 0603 2569 3198 016 31020 1nF 25V 0603 2570 3198 016 31020 1nF 25V 0603 2571 2020 552 94427 100pF 5 50v 0603 2571 4822 051 30759 75Ω 5 0 062W 2572 3198 016 31020 1nF 25V 0603 2573 3198 016 31020 1nF 25V 0603 2574 3198 016 31020 1nF 25V 0603 2575 3198 016 31020 1nF 25V 0603 2576 3198 016 31020 1nF 25V 0603 2577 3198 016 31020 1nF 25V 0603 2578 2020 552 94427 100pF 5 50v 0603 2579 2020 552 94427 1...

Страница 125: ...2W 3026 4822 051 30472 4 7kΩ 5 0 062W 3027 4822 117 12925 47kΩ 1 0 063W 0603 3029 4822 051 30103 10kΩ 5 0 062W 3031 4822 051 30103 10kΩ 5 0 062W 3033 4822 051 30103 10kΩ 5 0 062W 3034 3198 031 11010 4 x 100Ω 5 1206 3035 3198 031 11010 4 x 100Ω 5 1206 3039 4822 051 30181 180Ω 5 0 062W 3040 4822 051 30472 4 7kΩ 5 0 062W 3042 4822 051 30472 4 7kΩ 5 0 062W 3044 4822 051 30272 2 7kΩ 5 0 062W 3048 3198 ...

Страница 126: ...1 30222 2 2kΩ 5 0 062W 3745 4822 051 30102 1kΩ 5 0 062W 3746 4822 051 30392 3 9kΩ 5 0 063W 0603 3747 4822 051 30154 150k 5 0 062W 3748 4822 117 12891 220kΩ 1 0 063W 0603 3749 4822 051 30392 3 9kΩ 5 0 063W 0603 3750 4822 051 30332 3 3kΩ 5 0 062W 3751 4822 051 30472 4 7kΩ 5 0 062W 3752 4822 117 12917 1Ω 5 0 062W 0603 3753 4822 117 12917 1Ω 5 0 062W 0603 3754 4822 051 30101 100Ω 5 0 062W 3755 4822 05...

Страница 127: ...0 80622 BAT54 6926 4822 130 10837 UDZS8 2B 6926 4822 130 11397 BAS316 6927 4822 130 11397 BAS316 6928 4822 130 11397 BAS316 6929 4822 130 11397 BAS316 6956 4822 130 10837 UDZS8 2B 6956 4822 130 11397 BAS316 6957 4822 130 10837 UDZS8 2B 6957 4822 130 11397 BAS316 7001 9352 684 81557 SAA5801H 015 7002 3198 010 42320 BC857BW 7003 3198 010 42310 BC847BW 7004 3198 010 42310 BC847BW 7005 9322 116 74668 ...

Страница 128: ... 1nF 10 50V 0805 2891 5322 122 31647 1nF 10 63V 2892 3198 016 34790 47pF 10 50V 0603 2892 4822 126 11785 47pF 5 50V 0603 2893 3198 016 34790 47pF 10 50V 0603 2893 4822 126 11785 47pF 5 50V 0603 2894 3198 016 34790 47pF 10 50V 0603 2894 4822 126 11785 47pF 5 50V 0603 2895 3198 016 04790 47pf 10 50V 0805 2895 4822 126 13692 47pF 1 63V 2896 3198 016 04790 47pf 10 50V 0805 2896 4822 126 13692 47pF 1 6...

Страница 129: ...0Ω 100MHz 5851 4822 157 11506 Bead 120Ω at 100MHz 5853 3198 018 90070 Bead 120Ω 100MHz 5853 4822 157 11506 Bead 120Ω at 100MHz 6301 4822 130 11525 1SS356 6412 4822 130 11397 BAS316 6415 4822 130 11397 BAS316 6801 3198 020 53980 BZX384 C2V9 6801 4822 130 11564 UDZ3 9B 6802 3198 020 53980 BZX384 C2V9 6802 4822 130 11564 UDZ3 9B 6803 3198 010 10630 BAS316 6803 4822 130 11397 BAS316 7201 2422 542 9010...

Страница 130: ...68 820Ω 5 0 62W 3337 4822 051 30221 220Ω 5 0 062W 3337 4822 117 12968 820Ω 5 0 62W 3338 3198 013 01020 1k 2 0 5W 3338 3198 013 04710 470Ω 20 0 5W 3339 3198 013 01020 1k 2 0 5W 3339 3198 013 04710 470Ω 20 0 5W 3340 3198 013 01020 1k 2 0 5W 3340 3198 013 04710 470Ω 20 0 5W 3341 4822 052 10151 150Ω 5 0 33W 3341 4822 052 11479 47Ω 5 0 5W 3342 4822 116 83883 470Ω 5 0 5W 3345 4822 116 52191 33Ω 5 0 5W 3...

Страница 131: ...008 Jumper 0603 3507 4822 051 30102 1kΩ 5 0 062W 3508 4822 051 30008 Jumper 0603 3512 4822 051 30008 Jumper 0603 3512 4822 051 30101 100Ω 5 0 062W 3517 4822 051 30151 150Ω 5 0 062W 3518 4822 051 30151 150Ω 5 0 062W 3520 4822 051 30101 100Ω 5 0 062W 3521 4822 051 30101 100Ω 5 0 062W 3526 4822 051 30101 100Ω 5 0 062W 3529 4822 051 30333 33kΩ 5 0 062W 3530 4822 051 30102 1kΩ 5 0 062W 3531 4822 051 30...

Страница 132: ...t switch 1704 2422 128 02778 Tact switch 1705 2422 128 02778 Tact switch 8346 3104 301 07771 Cable 3P 1200mm white 8346 3104 311 01401 Cable 3p 1500 3p 2010 4822 122 33177 10nF 20 50V 3001 4822 051 20391 390Ω 5 0 1W 3003 4822 117 13528 200Ω 1 0 125W 0805 3005 4822 117 11951 2kΩ 1 0 1W 3009 4822 117 11534 1 1kΩ 1 0 1W 3011 4822 117 10845 620Ω 1 0 1W 3088 4822 117 11951 2kΩ 1 0 1W 3089 4822 117 1153...

Страница 133: ...42718 BFS20 7008 4822 130 60373 BC856B 7010 5322 130 42718 BFS20 7012 5322 130 42718 BFS20 7014 4822 130 60383 BF824 7016 5322 130 42718 BFS20 7018 5322 130 42718 BFS20 7020 4822 130 60383 BF824 7022 5322 130 42718 BFS20 7024 5322 130 42718 BFS20 7026 5322 130 42718 BFS20 7040 5322 130 42718 BFS20 7042 4822 130 60383 BF824 7500 5322 209 90559 TDA8444T N4 ...

Страница 134: ...Revision List EN 134 EM5 1E 11 11 Revision List First release ...
