Every week : Set lifecycle.
Save : Save the schedule settings.
(6) Screenshot
You can Enable or Disable Screenshot.
Enable to setup the following parameters.
After enabling this function, you can setup to have
the screenshot automatically and store the photos
at the assigned path.
PS: Trigger to delete photos or screenshot:
* It will delete the photos right away at start time.
* After 40 seconds, do the screenshot.
* In case of choosing delete photos every week, the
start day will be changed to the day when you
change the start time.
Screenshot and Sleep:
If the screenshot is scheduled when in Sleep mode,
then the screenshot and mail functions will be
disabled. These 2 functions will resume after the
display is awaken again.
Set the interval between 2 screenshots. You
can choose 30 or 60 minutes.
Start Time
Set screenshot start time.
* After setup, please exit by clicking return icon. It
will save the set result automatically.
* If the Start Time is later than the End Time, it will
show a warning.
End Time
Set screenshot end time.
* After setup, please exit by clicking return icon. It
will save the set result automatically.
* If the Start Time is later than the End Time, it will