1070_0_Product_Manual - October 28, 2010 8:52 AM
Product Features
8 analog inputs used to measure temperature,
humidity, position, pressure, etc.
8 digital inputs — with on-board noise filtering —
used to convey the state of push buttons, limit
switches, relays, etc.
8 digital outputs used to drive LEDs, solid state
relays, transistors.
PhidgetInterfaceKit 8/8/8
Programming Environment
Operating Systems:
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, Windows CE, Linux, and Mac OS X
Programming Languages (APIs):
VB6, VB.NET, C#.NET, C++, Flash 9, Flex, Java, LabVIEW, Python, Max/MSP,
and Cocoa.
Many example applications for all the operating systems and development environments above are
available for download at
>> Programming.
Programming a Phidget
Phidgets’ philosophy is that you do not have to be an electrical engineer in order to do projects that use devices
like sensors, motors, motor controllers, and interface boards. All you need to know is how to program. We have
developed a complete set of Application Programming Interfaces (API) that are supported for Windows, Mac OS X,
and Linux. When it comes to languages, we support VB6, VB.NET, C#.NET, C, C++, Flash 9, Flex, Java, LabVIEW,
Python, Max/MSP, and Cocoa.
We have designed our libraries to give you the maximum amount of freedom. We do not impose our own
programming model on you.
To achieve this goal we have implemented the libraries as a series of layers with the C API at the core surrounded
by other language wrappers.
The lowest level library is the C API. The C API can be programmed against on Windows, CE, OS X and Linux. With
the C API, C/C++, you can write cross-platform code. For systems with minimal resources (small computers), the C
API may be the only choice.
The Java API is built into the C API Library. Java, by default is cross-platform - but your particular platform may not
support it (CE).
The .NET API also relies on the C API. Our default .NET API is for .NET 2.0 Framework, but we also have .NET
libraries for .NET 1.1 and .NET Compact Framework (CE).