H 101 Getting Started
Viewfinder information
The icon on the second position from the right shows the ac-
tual captures left on the harddisk, an ”E” indicates that stor-
age media is exceded, and you will need to free some space
on the harddrive before continuing.
For a general description of the viewfinder information
please consult the Hasselblad H1 User Manual.
Auto exposure
The Hasselblad H1 can work in different auto exposure
modes. This is fully supported by the H 101, which commu-
nicates the equivalent film speed of the digital back to the
Hasselblad H1 camera.
The default film speed of the H 101 camera back is ISO 50.
However, this setting can be changed to 100, 200 or even
400 ISO, please consult the Capture One User Guide for de-
tails on setting the ISO in your camera back.
Double exposure protection
When using the Hasselblad H1 with a H 101 it is not possible
to accidently double expose the image by capturing one im-
age quickly after another. The H 101 communication with
the Hasselblad is disables the capture functionality in the
camera if necessary.
At the end of an image exposure the image information in
the CCD has to be moved from the CCD to the host com-
puter. During this short period of time the CCD must be pro-
tected from light exposure. The H 101 ensures a safe empty-
ing of the CCD by ignoring the shutter release from the
Hasselblad camera.