H 101 Getting Started
The Phase One H 101 is a single shot digital camera back for
the innovative Hasselblad H1 camera. The Hasselblad H1
utilises a hybrid TTL phase-difference-detection type auto-
focus system. Further more the Hasselblad H1 provides auto
exposure settings. The Hasselblad H1 with a Phase One H
101 back encourages all kinds of photographic uses from
portraiture and wide-angle photography to high speed
shooting to capturing fast action with telephoto lenses. This
exiting combination is a result of a joint development project
between Phase One and Hasselblad.
The functionality of the Phase One H 101 is well integrated
with the Hasselblad H1 camera. The H 101 camera back
communicates with the H1 camera through a fast internal
electrical computer interface.
The H 101 is based on the highly recognised Phase One cam-
era back technology. The application software for the H 101
is the same as for all other Phase One single shot products.
The Capture One User Guide is a general manual for these
products. This Manual “H 101 - Getting Started” covers only
specific H 101 features and functionality.