Thank you for purchasing this product.
This manual provides administrators who control the operations of this product, with an overview and an
explanation about the windows for this product.
The contents of this manual are subject to change as this product is upgraded.
In that case, refer to the manual provided upon upgrading the software.
The following manuals are included for this product.
Read them as needed.
EdgeXperience Capture Service User's
Guide for SuperAdmin (this manual) (PDF)
Describes an overview of this product and installation for
an administrator.
EdgeXperience Capture Service User's
Guide for AdminUser (HTML/ PDF)
Describes an overview of this product and describes items
displayed in the windows for an administrator.
EdgeXperience Capture Service Connector
User's Guide
Describes a cloud service that this product can establish a link
with and describes the settings that are required to establish a
link with the cloud service.
EdgeXperience Capture Service User's
Guide (HTML/PDF)
Describes the overview of this product as well as detailed
information on how to make preparations, operate this product,
and troubleshoot problems, and also describes the items
displayed in the screens on the scanner and the user information
windows. (This guide is for operators.)