PFT levelling pin / Safety, overview, operation and service
General information
Light breathing protection
To protect from harmful dust.
Hearing protection
To protect from hearing deficiencies.
Safety helmet
To protect from parts and materials that may fall or fly onto the person.
Protective gloves
To protect the hands from friction, abrasion, cuts or severe injuries as
well as from coming into direct contact with hot surfaces.
Wear for special work
Special protective equipment is necessary for certain specialist tasks.
It is separately mentioned in the individual chapters of this manual.
This special protective equipment is explained below:
Face guard
To protect the eyes and the entire face from flames, sparks or heat as
well as from particles or exhaust gases.
Special dangers
The residual risks are mentioned in the following section, which are
obtained from the danger analysis.
Pay attention to the safety instructions and warnings in the other
chapters of this manual in order to reduce health risks and avoid
dangerous situations.
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