3.4. Connecting The Exhaust Side
Pressure can rise to dangerous levels in
exhaust lines.
Lay exhaust lines without built-in shutoff
devices. If a shut-off device is installed for
internal operating reasons or if there is a risk of
excess pressure developing in the lines, official accident pre-
vention regulations must be complied with.
The exhaust line diameter should not be less than 63 DN.
The line from the pump must be laid with a downward
gradient so that condensate is prevented from flowing back
into the pump. Otherwise a trap must be installed.
Expelled gases and vapours can represent a
hazard to health and/or the environment.
For this reason the relevant regulations must
always be complied with when working with
toxic substances. Only officially approved filters
may be used for the separation of such substances. This also
applies when handling toxic or chemically unstable gases
and to gases susceptible to polymerisation or to the formation
of peroxide (see 9. Accessories).
3. Installation
3.1. Preparations For Installation
Do not carry out any unauthorised conversions
or modifications on the pump.
Fill up with operating fluid before operating the
first time (included in a separate pack in the
delivery consignment). When transporting use
only the eyebolts provided for the purpose.
When filled with operating fluid, do not tilt the
pump otherwise operating fluid could escape
via the exhaust opening.
3.2. Pump Assembly And Location
Where stationary installation is involved, anchor the pump
on site.
Sight glass 1 on the front side must be visible and gas bal-
last valve
readily accessible.
When installing the pump in a closed housing, ensure the-
re is sufficient air circulation.
3.3. Connecting The Vacuum Side
Keep the connection between the vacuum chamber and
pump as short as possible.
Remove all scaling and loose particles from welded lines
prior to assembly.
– To protect the pump, separators, filters and cooling traps
etc.(see Section 9. Accessories) can be fitted upstream of
the pump. However, the conductance value of the
accessory causes a reduction in volume flow rate.
Where rotary vane vacuum pumps are
anchored, no forces from the piping system
should be allowed to act on the pump.
Suspend, decouple or support all piping
concerned with the pump.
max. 10
Maximum angle of inclination to each side 10Þ
Maximum erection height 2000 m N.N.
Ambient temperature maximum 40 °C and minimum 12 °C
Maximum relative humidity 85%