January 2016
Operating Manual pewag AOR lifting point – Grade 8
9. Storage
Store the AOR Lashing points in dry space at temperatures
between 0 °C and +40 °C.
Secure lashing points by applying suitable screw locking
means to prevent screws from working loose.
All informations of this documentation were checked and
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The pewag austria GmbH. assumes no liability for failures or
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An important prerequisite for the commissioning is that
this operational instruction manual has been fully read and
Kapfenberg, 13. 01. 2016
pewag austria GmbH
pewag austria GmbH
A-8041 Graz, Gaslaternenweg 4, Phone: +43 316 6070-0, Fax: +43 316 6070-100
[email protected],
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