Teaching Your Pet using the Audible Beep Tone
Step 5
1. Instruct your dog to “Place” on the Wireless Crate.
2. While your dog is on the Wireless Crate, change the Wireless Crate to the Beep Only mode (
). Each
time he steps off the crate, the collar will beep. Calmly pick up the leash and guide him back onto the
Wireless Crate. The beeping will cease when he steps back on the crate. It is important to praise your
dog and give him a treat after each successful attempt.
3. Repeat steps 1-4 with the collar set to Beep Only.
Note: You may continue training in the Beep Only mode
). Training in beep only mode will take longer, so you’ll need to adjust your training accordingly.
Teaching Your Pet using the Static Correction Mode
Step 6
1. Instruct your dog to “Place” on the crate.
2. Turn the crate on to the Beep and Static Correction mode (!). At this point, each time your dog steps
off the crate and the collar begins to beep, he will also receive a static correction. The beeping and
correction will cease when your dog steps back onto the crate.
3. Repeat Steps 1-4. It is important at the beginning that you minimize the duration of the static
correction. For the fi rst few times your dog receives a correction, gently lead him back to the Wireless
Crate within a few seconds.
This ends the fi rst day’s session. Turn off the crate, remove the receiver collar, and praise and play with
your dog freely.
DAY 2, Second Session
1. Repeat Step 5 and Step 6 from the fi rst day’s session. At this point, most dogs will now stay in the
Wireless Crate for a prolonged period of time.
2. To test your dog’s training, leave the room and see if your dog will stay in the Wireless Crate. If you
hear the receiver beep after you leave the room, then your dog has stepped out of the Wireless Crate.
3. Calmly walk back into the room.
4. Pick up the leash and say the “Place” command while leading your dog to back onto the Wireless
Crate. Be sure to give your dog a treat and plenty of praise when he enters onto the Wireless Crate.
5. After a successful twenty-minute stay in the Wireless Crate, go over and praise your dog. Turn the
crate off and call your dog out of the crate. Give your dog a treat and allow him to play freely.
DAYS 3, 4,and 5, Successive Sessions
1. Repeat Steps 1-5 from Day 2’s session each day.
2. Slowly build your dog’s time of stay in the crate, distance from you, and tolerance to a number of
distractions. For example, you may sit on the sofa with the Wireless Crate right next to you and
encourage your dog to lay for an hour or so with a chew toy. If your dog gets up, simply retrieve the
leash and let the mild static stimulation occur for a second or two. Lead your dog back to the Wireless
Crate and say “Place”. Praise and treat your dog while leading him back onto the Wireless Crate.
3. Train with distraction by arranging family, close friends, or other pets into the room as you give the
“Place” command. Training with distractions can be diffi cult for some dogs at the beginning, so stay
close enough to your dog that you can guide him back to the Wireless Crate.
4. Repeat these steps daily for at least two weeks, even if your dog is responding well. Consistency and
repetition are the keys to good training. Reinforcement is paramount even with the smartest dogs.
Remember, dogs are like humans, and learn at different rates. So be calm and patient and do not to
rush the learning process. And don’t forget to make it fun!