• Maintain the system as a conventional Heavy-
Duty Coolant. Treat the system with an SCA.
Change the coolant at the interval that is
recommended for the conventional Heavy-Duty
Commercial Heavy-Duty Antifreeze and
Commercial Heavy-Duty Coolant which contains
Amines as part of the corrosion protection system
must not be used.
Never operate an engine without water temperature
regulators in the cooling system. Water temperature
regulators help to maintain the engine coolant at the
correct operating temperature. Cooling system prob-
Check the antifreeze (glycol concentration) to ensure
adequate protection against boiling or freezing.
Perkins recommends the use of a refractometer for
checking the glycol concentration. Do not use a
Do not mix types and specifications of coolant.
Do not mix types and specifications of SCAs.
Do not mix SCAs and Extenders.
Only use SCAs or Extender approved by coolant
manufacturer and are compatible with coolant.
Adding the SCA to Heavy-Duty Coolant
at the Initial Fill
Use the equation that is in Table 12 to determine the
amount of SCA that is required when the cooling
system is initially filled.
Coolants that conform to “ASTM D4985” and do not
conform to “ASTM D6210” will require addition of
SCA at initial fill.
Table 12
Equation For Adding The SCA To The Heavy-Duty Coolant At
The Initial Fill
V × 0.07 = X
V is the total volume of the cooling system.
X is the amount of SCA that is required.
Table 13 is an example for using the equation that is
in Table 12 .
Table 13
Example Of The Equation For Adding The SCA To The Heavy-
Duty Coolant At The Initial Fill
Total Volume of the
Cooling System (V)
Amount of SCA
that is Required
15 L (4 US gal)
× 0.07
1.05 L (35.5 oz)
Adding SCA to the Commercial Heavy-
Duty Coolant for Maintenance
Heavy-duty antifreezes of all types require periodic
additions of SCA.
Test the antifreeze periodically for the concentration
of SCA.
Additions of SCA are based on the results of the test.
The size of the cooling system determines the
amount of SCA that is needed.
Use the equation that is in Table 14 to determine the
amount of SCA that is required, if necessary:
Table 14
Equation for Adding the SCA to the Commercial Heavy-Duty
Coolant for Maintenance
V × 0.023 = X
V is the total volume of the cooling system.
X is the amount of SCA that is required.
Table 15 is an example for using the equation that is
in Table 14 .
Table 15
Example of the Equation for Adding the SCA to the Commer-
cial Heavy-Duty Coolant for Maintenance
Total Volume of the
Cooling System (V)
Amount of SCA
that is Required
15 L (4 US gal)
× 0.023
0.35 L (11.7 oz)
Cleaning the System of Heavy-Duty
Clean the cooling system for the following conditions.
• Clean the cooling system after used coolant is
drained or before the cooling system is filled with
new coolant
• Clean the cooling system whenever the coolant is
contaminated or whenever the coolant is foaming
• The cooling system must be free from rust, scale,
and any deposits, before corrosion inhibitors can
be effective